Celebrating Lee Campbell's Remarkable Career and Retirement

CO & RSM presenting flowers to Lee Campbell thanking her services as a public servant. (L-R) RPOU(W) CO, LCol Johnathan Hallett, Executive Assistant, Lee Campbell, RPOU(W) RSM, CWO Eric Barney. Photo by Capt Kyle Ho
Lee took a group photo with all employees from RPOU(W) HQ. Photo supplied.
Publication Date 
26 Jun 2024

Article by Capt Kyle Ho, RPOU(W) HQ Operations Officer

On 12 Jun, employees of Real Property Operations Unit (West) (RPOU-W) Headquarters gathered to celebrate the retirement for one of their teammates. Lee Campbell joined the public service in March 2009. Lee’s career as a public servant has been defined by her unwavering dedication to service.

In the final chapter of her service, Lee dedicated the last six years of her career to RPOU-W, where she served as the Executive Assistant to the Commanding Officer. In this role, Lee played a pivotal role in overseeing scheduling conflicts and Command team travel arrangements, amongst a myriad of other activities that kept the wheels turning at RPOU(W). Her concern for others’ well-being, and the importance of teamwork was demonstrated by organizing ‘mystery meat’ potlucks which fostered a sense of comradery that was lacking after the pandemic. We wish Lee all the best as she embarks on her next adventures in retirement with her family and grandchildren.