CME Reading List - Combat Engineering

This is a list of publications covering Combat Engineering subjects:


Author & Date Topic & Timeframe

Catalogue Details

50 Years of Combat Diving in the Canadian Army Foreman / 2015 Combat Diving 1965 to 2018 Private Publication
1 Combat Engineer Regiment, Operation HARMONY, UN Protection Force Croatia, Sep 1992 - Mar 1993 Merton/ c1993 1 CER/ 1992-93 Nil
Historical Outline of the 1st Field Company (Permanent Active Militia ) 1931-1939; and 1st Field Company (Canadian Active Service Force ) 1939-1945 1st Field Company Veterans' Association. 1 Fd Coy/WW II/ AMICUS 31008758
22 Field Squadron Blazecka / 1968 22 Fd Sqn/ Nil
2 Field Squadron RCE - A Brief History Megill / 1965 2 Fd Sqn/ Nil
With the 4th Canadian Divisional Signal Company, Canadian Engineers: On Active Service /1920 4 Div Sig Coy/WW I Nil
56 Field Engineer Squadron, Canadian Military Engineers, Unit History, 1949 - 1990 Harvey/ 1992 56 Fd Sqn/ AMICUS 14613545
6th Field Company   6 Fd Coy/ 1910-1918 Nil
An Historical Outline of the 1st Field Company 1st Fd Coy Vets/ 2004   AMICUS 31008758
A Souvenir War History: 8th Canadian Field Squadron, RCE Kerr & Lang/ 1945 8 Fd Sqn/ AMICUS 17538318
A Combat Engineer Remembers Southergill/ 2001   AMICUS 25970687 ISBN 155369127
Bridging – Normandy to Berlin Inglis/ 1945 21st Army Group/ 1944-45 AMICUS 18446992
Boats, Bridges & Valour Marsh & Kennedy/ 23 Fd Coy/ WW II Nil
Clearing the Way: Combat Engineers in Kandahar: 23 Field Squadron Gasparotto/2010 23 Fd Sqn ISBN 1926582594 AMICUS 41101017
From the Salient to the Rhine Somerville/ 11 Fd Coy/ WW II Nil
From the Rideau to the Rhine and Back:: the 6th Field Company and Battalion, Canadian Engineers in the Great War Weatherbe/ 1928 6th Fd Coy and Bn/ WWI AMICUS 33214601
Green Route Up
Rollefson/ 1945 4 Div Engineers/ WW II AMICUS 11288359
History of the 6th Field Company, RCE, 1939 -1945 Flatt/ 1946 6 Fd Coy/ WWII AMICUS 6694056
The Insignia and Lineages of the Canadian Forces. Vol 3, Part 1: Armour, Artillery and Field Engineer Regiments - Engineer Regiments and Squadrons DND/2010 RCE Nil
My Days in the Army: Recollections of World War II Berg/ 2001 RCE /WW II AMICUS 26845184 ISBN 0968970605
Ottawa's Sappers: A History of 3rd Field Engineer Squadron Rawling/ 2002 3 Fd Sqn/ 1902-2002 AMICUS 27642569 ISBN 0973126507
Regimental History: 85th Canadian Bridge Company: June 1941-1945 /1945 RCASC Coy,

/ 1941-45

AMICUS 1563708
Sappers of the North: A History of the Militia in Flin Flon, MB Naylor/ 1989 21 Fd Sqn/ 1949-79 AMICUS 19399769
The Storm Boat Kings: The 23rd RCE at Arnhem 1944 Sliz/2009 23 Fd Coy/ WW II AMICUS 34625258 ISBN: 1551251035
The Canadians in Italy 1943 – 1945 Nicholson/ 1966   AMICUS 12320160
The Field Engineers of the 1st Canadian Infantry Division in the Second World War Rawling/ 1986 /WW2 AMICUS 6310220 ISBN 0315196505
The Story of the 11th Battalion, Canadian Engineers, 1918 - 1919 /1920 11 Bn/ 1918-1919 AMICUS 11334181
The Bridge-Builder: 6th Field Squadron, RCE /1970 6 Fd Sqn/ Pre – 1970 AMICUS 16510009
Through the Decades - 45 Field Squadron 1951-1991   45 Fd Sqn/ 1951-1991 Nil
The 3rd Field Company Canadian Engineers and the Royal Canadian Engineers, 1902-1947 Nicholson/ 1962 3 Fd Coy/ 1902 - 1947 Nil
Technicians of Battle Rawling/ 2001   AMICUS 25234533 ISBN 0919769993
The Twenty-Third Story: 23rd Field Company, RCE Tucker / 1947 23rd Fd Coy/WW II AMICUS 10284022
With the Tenth Field Company, Canadian Engineers, CEF Turner/ 1936 10 Fd Coy/ WW I AMICUS 29038792
‘Yes Sir’. - Personal Story of 2 Army Troops, RCE   2 Army Troops/ WW II Nil