Editing Your Personal Profile

CMEA Crest

The CMEA website has a new personal profile page for you to provide personal profile details as well access to your membership number and payment status. One of the features of this feature is allowing users to change basic information about themselves (e.g. rank, unit address etc.) as this information is important to identify with which Chapter a member is affiliated. In an effort to know our membership better, we have added several fields to the profile form allowing you to identify your trade, your Chapter, your interests and any memberships you may have in other groups. You can even post a photo of yourself.

Click here for instructions on how to edit your profile.


The CMEA Registrar can answer all your questions and concerns. You can also use the webform to contact the Registrar. Whether it is when your membership is due for renewal, changing your email address, how to access various features, he can be contacted at any time.

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