CME Commendations

The CME Branch Commendation recognize the outstanding contributions of members and friends of the CME family. Recipients of this award listed on this page.

  • Corporal K. Scott (Retired)
    23 Apr 2021
    Cpl Kyle Scott receiving CME Commendation at 1 CER Edmonton 25 Mar 21

    Certificate #46       

    In recognition of your exceptional care and compassion in assisting generations of Canadian Veterans to acquire missing medals and awards to which they were entitled, for working with the Last Post Fund in the provision of missing and replacement grave markers, and for promoting Canadian military history and continuing to honourably represent the Canadian Military Engineers within your community, Canada, and internationally.

    See news item  CME Commendation Presented to Cpl Kyle Scott (Ret'd)

  • Major F.M. Bird, MSM, CD
    23 Apr 2021
    Major F.M. Bird, MSM, CD

    Certificate No 045

    In recognition of your steadfast support to the Canadian Military Engineers and the Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers and excellence in the performance of duties as the Staff Officer to the Corps Director from July 2017 to July 2021.

  • Paul and Brendon Culliton
    22 May 2018
    From left to right: Paul Culliton, CME Colonel Commandant, BGen Steve Irwin (Ret’d) and Brendon Culliton Presentation date: 22 May 2018, Ottawa

    Certificate No 040

    Presented in recognition of their unwavering dedication to bringing the stories of the Canadian Armed Forces in Afghanistan to life on the big screen. Paul and Brendon Culliton are filmmakers who, to date, have produced two Canadian war documentaries: “If I Should Fall” and 23 Field Squadron’s “Clearing the Way: Combat Engineers in Kandahar.”

    Driven by a passion to create award-winning documentaries, compassion for the members recounting their combat experiences, and commitment to ensuring that their stories are immortalized in Canada’s video history, Paul and Brendon Culliton are awarded a joint Canadian Military Engineer Branch Commendation.

  • Cpl Stanley Clark Fields (Ret'd)
    11 Nov 2017
    Stanley Fields and family at 5th Field Company commemoration ceremony at Queen;s University November 2017

    Certificate No 039

    Corporal Stanley Clark Fields (Retired) served proudly as a Field Engineer in the Second World War.  In retirement, Stan continues to be a remarkable ambassador for the Canadian Military Engineer Branch.  His extraordinary long time commitment, dedication, devotion and tireless leadership of the 5th Field Company Veterans Association and his exemplary dedication to the promotion and preservation of our Engineer heritage through his tireless efforts in the conservation and publication of the 5th Field Company's history, is most commendable.  Stan seeks no recognition for himself, nonetheless his efforts with the Royal Canadian Legion, Remembrance Week activities and overseas memorial activities have seen him recognized by many institutions regardless.  In recognition of his passion and support to the CME Corporal (Retired) Fields is awarded a Canadian Military Engineer Commendation.

  • Col K.G. Horgan
    28 Jul 2017
    CME Colonel Commandant, BGen Steve Irwin (Ret’d) and Col K.G. Horgan Presentation date: 26 July 2017, Ottawa

    Certificate No 038

    This Commendation is presented in recognition of his outstanding service to the CME Branch from June 2011 to April 2017. He provided longstanding and superb leadership to the CME holding three key roles, for the most part concurrently, over an extended period and during a period of extensive upheaval and change. His leadership, dedication and contributions to the Branch over the past six years as Occupational Advisor, Branch Advisor and the Commander of the Real Property Operations Group have set the conditions for success for decades to come.

  • CWO / Adjuc Ronald Swift, CD
    04 Jul 2017
    CME Colonel Commandant, BGen Steve Irwin (Ret’d) and CME Branch CWO, CWO Ron Swift Presentation date: 9 June 2017, Ottawa

    Certificate No 037

    This Commendation is presented in recognition of his outstanding service as the CME Branch CWO from 7 May 2015 to 9 June 2017. He provided outstanding advice and guidance to the Colonel Commandant and the broader Branch leadership with a constant focus on representing all Branch NCMs and on promoting unity and Branch cohesion. His ability to frame tactical level issues within the strategic realities of the CAF has greatly improved communications across the Branch. His leadership and dedication have extended to all areas of Branch and he has been a steadfast supporter and advocate of the CMEA.

  • Sergeant J.J.C. Maillet, CD
    23 Feb 2017
    CWO R.G. Swift (CME Branch CWO), MGen J.S. Sirois (CAF Chief Military Engr), Sgt J.J.C. Maillet and the CME Branch Col Cmdt, BGen S.M. Irwin (Ret’d). Presentation date: 16 Feb 2017

    Certificate No 36

    Sergeant Maillet's extraordinary dedication and pride as the Instructor for Culture and Heritage, at the Canadian Military Engineer's Museum, has brought significant credit to the Military Engineer Branch and ensured the preservation of our history and traditions. Sergeant Maillet has led many tours of students and visiting military, re-modeled the gallery to better show the chronology of our story, was instrumental in the installation of the Beaver Armoured Vehicle Launching Bridge (AVLB) monument as well as many other initiative that have improved the quality of our museum. He is certainly deserving of the CME Branch's commendation.

  • LCol D.J.J. Foreman, OMM, CD (Ret'd)
    02 Feb 2017
    CME Colonel Commandant, BGen Steve Irwin (Ret’d), LCol Doug Foreman (Ret’d) and CME Branch CWO, CWO Ron Swift

    Certificate No 035

    This Commendation is presented in recognition of the outstanding dedication, leadership, and personal commitment of Doug Foreman in the development of the Army’s Combat Diving capability as well as championing the continuance of Combat Diving training, tradition and esprit de corps over nearly four decades of active and retired service. Doug has worked tirelessly and with great effect in the continuance of Exercise ROGUISH BUOY on an annual basis since its inception in 1979, one of the longest running exercises in Canadian Army history. Since his retirement, Doug has remained active and involved in Combat Diving activities, initiating, organizing and directing numerous Combat Diver reunions on both coasts. He researched and published '50 Years of Combat Diving in the Canadian Army', an illustrated chronicle of the history of Combat Diving from its inception in the early 1960s, through more recent times. The Canadian Military Engineer Branch commends Doug for his exceptional dedication and leadership as the Engineer Champion for Combat Divers.

  • Mme Shirley O’Connell
    28 Apr 2016
    Shirley O'Connell with // avec CWO Swift, MGen McQuillan, LCol Ken Holms (Ret'd) and Col Comdt Steve Irwin

    Certificate 034

    Presented in recognition of her leadership and passionate and tireless work with the Izzy Doll Project. Mrs. O’Connell accepted the responsibility of being the “Izzy Doll Mama” upon the untimely deaths of Carol and Brian Isfeld. For a decade, she has led the movement to provide Izzy Dolls to bring some comfort to children around the world who have been placed in miserable and inhospitable circumstances through war and natural disaster. She actively seeks out opportunities for the distribution of the Izzy Dolls, recruits knitters and conducts workshops. In the past decade, she has personally seen more than 80,000 dolls knitted and distributed. Mrs. O’Connell is a most worthy recipient of the Canadian Military Engineer Branch Commendation for this outstanding work.

  • Mme Sandra Johnson-Penney
    21 May 2015
    CWO R.G. Swift (CME Branch CWO // Adjuc de la Branche du GMC), Ms. Sandra Johnson-Penney (Curator CME Museum // conservatrice du Musée du GMC) and the Col Comdt, BGen S.M. Irwin (Ret’d).

    Certificate 033

    Presented in recognition of her extraordinary passion, care and dedication to the collection, preservation and communication of the history and traditions of the Canadian Military Engineers.

    Her singular efforts will continue to ensure that the Canadian Military Engineer’s memories will be available to inform and inspire many generations to come.
