Engineer Heritage Moments

Canadian Military Engineers have a long and rich heritage in times of war and in peace. CME units have served around the world in conflict and disaster from Pre-confederation times until the present. The CME and its antecedents has have perhaps contributed as much if not more than more to the growth of our nation than any other military organisation. From the earliest days of powered flight in Canada, the establishment of the RCN on our coasts, the construction and maintenance of our air force and army's camps and bases, to the more recent construction of bridges and airfields in our North, the CME have played major roles. In recent conflicts and disasters, our troops have opened an entirely new era. All this to say our motto “UBIQUE” means “in All Places” and we have a wealth of stories with which to illustrate our history.

This page presents a portal into our heritage with stories representing all facets of our tasks and responsibilities throughout our history.

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