Construction Engineering

This is a list of publications covering construction engineering subjects:

Title Author & Date Topic & Timeframe Catalogue Details
17 Engineer Services and Works Company   17 Wks Coy/ 1946-47 Nil
A History: The Royal Canadian Navy Civil Engineers” Burgeois/ 1968 RCN CE/ 1910-68 AMICUS 18666325
A History of the Base Construction Engineering Branch of CFB Halifax: 1946 -1991 Henderson/ 1991 CE Halifax/ 1946-1991 AMICUS 13502404
A Construction Engineering History of Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, 1855-1992 Henderson/ 1992 Esquimalt/ 1850-1992 AMICUS 15207280
Construction Engineering History of CFB Esquimalt” Henderson/ 1992 Esquimalt CE/ Nil
Canada's Best Kept Military Secret -The Black Battalion, 1916 – 1920 Ruck/ 1987 No 2 Construction Battalion & 106th Bn / WW I AMICUS 7355930
History of The Royal Canadian Air Force Construction Engineering Branch /1992 RCAF CE/ 1922-92 Nil
History of The Construction Engineering Branch Stacey/ 1963 RCAF CE/ 1922-63 Nil
Highway Maintenance, 1946 – 1964 - A History of the Northwest Highway Maintenance Establishment, RCE, Northwest Highway System Goat/ c1965 NWHS/ 1946-64 Nil
Per Ardua ad Usquam” - History of CMUs/1CEU Deller/ 1985 CMUs & 1 CEU/ WW II & post-WW II Nil
The Story of 2 Battalion, RCE 1940-1945 Murray/ 1947 2 Bn/ WW II AMICUS 2282040