The CMEA Management Structure comprises a number of individuals charged with ensuring the objectives of the Association are met.
Here is a list of members participating in this effort. You can email them directly by clicking on the position title in the left column. The right column will take you to a biography of each person.
Board of Directors | |
President | Louis Myre |
Senior Vice-President | Dan Doran |
Secretary | LCol Jean-Marc Fugulin |
Treasurer | Maj Marc Antoine R. Parent |
Executive Director | David Burke |
Registrar | John MacPherson |
Advisors to the Board of Directors | |
VP Corporate Relations | Dave Carney |
VP History & Heritage | Ken Holmes |
VP Communications | Don Chipman |
VP Chapter Liaison | Lee Goodman |
VP Veteran Support | Capt Alex Landry, CD |
VP Honours & Awards | Kyle Scott |
Colonel Commandant | MGen Daniel Benjamin, CMM, CD (Ret’d) |
Branch Adjutant | Major Christopher Larouche |
Branch CWO | CWO Darrel Jones, CD |
Past President | Richard Dickson |
CME Museum Curator | Sandra Johnson-Penney |
CE Trades Representative | CWO Chris Garrett, CD |
Geomatics Representative | MWO Ian McDonnell |
Fire Services Representative | MCpl Andrew Scott |
Reserve Unit Representative | WO Mitchell Niles, CD |
28 Sep 24