Decorations for Valour

Decorations for Valour

Decorations for valour are given for actions in the presence of the enemy.  These were created by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, on 1 January 1993. All the decorations may be awarded posthumously. Canada's three decorations for valour are:

  • The Victoria Cross is awarded for the most conspicuous bravery, a daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice, or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy.
  • The Star of Military Valour is awarded for distinguished or valiant service in the presence of the enemy.
  • The Medal of Military Valour is awarded for an act of valour or devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy.

Engineer Recipients of the Medal of Valour

Name Rank at Time
of Award
Date of Award
Orr, CJ Cpl 2007
Rousseau, MAJM Sgt 2011