The Order of Military Merit (French: Ordre du mérite militaire) is a society of members of the Canadian Forces who have demonstrated dedication and devotion beyond the call of duty. The order was established in 1972 by Queen Elizabeth II who serves as the Order's Sovereign with the governor general as the Chancellor and the Chief of the Defence Staff as Principal Commander. The complete story of the Order of Military Merit is contained in a Government of Canada publication available for download.
The Order has three classes, Commander, Officer and Member.
Commander of the Order of Military Merit
Appointment to the level of Commander is made for outstanding meritorious service in duties of great responsibility. This has been interpreted to mean that, as a guideline, only Flag and General Officers are generally eligible to be appointed a Commander.
Officer of the Order of Military Merit
Appointment to the level of Officer is made for outstanding meritorious service in duties of responsibility. This has been interpreted to mean that, as a guideline, officers of the ranks of Lieutenant-Commander or Major to Captain(N) or Colonel are generally appointed to this level. Occasionally, a Flag or General Officer, A Lieutenant (N) or Captain, a Chief Petty Officer 1st Class or Chief Warrant Officer may be appointed as an Officer if it is more appropriate for their level or responsibility. For the latter (CPO1 and CWO), this usually occurs through promotion within the Order.
Member of the Order of Military Merit
Appointment to the level of Member is made for exceptional service or performance of duty. This has been interpreted to mean that, as a guideline, Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs), Petty Officers, Warrant Officers, and Junior Officers are generally appointed to this level. This is a guideline however and occasionally, Lieutenant-Commanders or Majors are appointed as Members if this is more appropriate for their level of responsibility.
Engineer Recipients of the Order of Military Merit
The following CME members have had their distinctive merit and exceptional service recognized by their being invested into the Order of Military Merit. Should you be aware of a Canadian Military Engineer who was invested into the Order but whose name does not appear on this list, please advise the Webmaster.
Many of the citations for these awards are posted on the Governor General's Website.
This page was updated on 1 August 2014. Any errors or ommissions should be brought to the attention of CME History.
* = Promotion within the Order
Name | Rank at Time of Award |
Grade | Date of Award |
Adams, JL | MGen | CMM | 1992 |
Albertson, P | WO | MMM | 2012 |
Albertson, PJ | WO | MMM | 2013 |
Aman, JCL | MWO | MMM | 2009 |
Anderson, RS | WO | MMM | 1973 |
Arcand, GR | CWO | MMM | 2003 |
Armstrong, DW | MWO | MMM | 1995 |
Atchison, CW | CWO | MMM | 1987 |
Atherley-Blight, JM | Maj | OMM | 2005 |
Banfield, W | Cpl | MMM | 1974 |
Barr, GL | Maj | OMM | 1987 |
Beaulne, JALM | WO | MMM | 1986 |
Benjamin, DRS | MGen | CMM * | 2007 |
Benjamin, DRS | Col | OMM | 2002 |
Bernatchez, JM | CWO | MMM | 1995 |
Bernier, JAJY | Capt | MMM | 2004 |
Blanchette, JRG | WO | MMM | 1973 |
Blazecka, TD | LCol | OMM | 1998 |
Bouchard, JJ | LCol | OMM | 2001 |
Braby, JW | LCol | OMM | 1993 |
Brown, AC | BGen | CMM | 1985 |
Brown, DA | CWO | MMM | 1980 |
Bruce, RL | CWO | MMM | 1998 |
Busenius, WE | Cpl | MMM | 1974 |
Butler, JRR | MWO | MMM | 2007 |
Call, JDA | LCol | OMM | 1980 |
Cantin, JMM | CWO | MMM | 2007 |
Card, SM | Maj | OMM | 2009 |
Chadder, RK | Col | OMM | 2006 |
Charlebois, WA | Sgt | MMM | 1974 |
Chartrand, JYR | CWO | MMM | 1995 |
Chiasson, TC | MWO | MMM | 2013 |
Clare, RGA | LCol | OMM | 1972 |
Clinton, LJ | CWO | MMM | 1989 |
Cook, RWW | MWO | MMM | 1995 |
Corbett, DW | Maj | OMM | 2002 |
Corbould, KA | BGen | OMM | 2010 |
Côté, JM | CWO | MMM | 2001 |
Counsell, RG | Capt | MMM | 2005 |
Cournoyer, JMJC | CWO | MMM | 2008 |
Couture, JFD | CWO | MMM | 1995 |
Coxall, DW | CWO | MMM | 2008 |
Crosby, GA | CWO | MMM | 2013 |
Croucher, SE | CWO | MMM | 2013 |
Cull, DW | Capt | MMM | 1995 |
Cyr, FW | Maj | OMM | 2006 |
Daley, JM | CPO1 | MMM | 1991 |
Darch, K | Capt | MMM | 2013 |
Davidson, AB | MWO | MMM | 1972 |
Dawe, | SM | MMM | 2014 |
Daws, RL | CWO | MMM | 1988 |
DeCoste, JR | Capt | MMM | 1976 |
Dellavalle, GP | WO | MMM | 2008 |
DesLauriers, RW | LCol | OMM* | 1999 |
DesLauriers, RW | MWO | MMM | 1979 |
Doherty, TP | CWO | MMM | 1990 |
Dolezal, MS | Cpl | MMM | 1974 |
Donley, MW | Maj | OMM | 1998 |
Dorfschmidt, G | CWO | MMM | 1995 |
Doucette, TD | MWO | MMM | 2011 |
Dubois, JLAG | LCol | OMM | 1999 |
Duffin, TC | Maj | OMM | 1993 |
Duguid, GWJ | MWO | MMM | 1986 |
Dunning, SJ | Capt | MMM | 1992 |
Duplisea, DC | Maj | OMM | 2005 |
Durand, DJ | CWO | MMM | 2002 |
Ellis, KRG | CWO | MMM | 2011 |
Elverum, E | MWO | MMM | 1976 |
Evoy, TM | Maj | MMM | 2013 |
Fitch, ES | Col | OMM | 1998 |
Foley, GA | CWO | MMM | 2006 |
Folliet, L | CWO | MMM | 1977 |
Ford, CK | Col | OMM | 1995 |
Ford, WA | CWO | MMM | 2001 |
Foreman, DJJ | LCol | OMM | 1991 |
Forest, JE | CWO | MMM | 1996 |
Foster, DS | MWO | MMM | 2013 |
Fraser, DE | HLCol | OMM | 1996 |
Gaudreau, JDS | CWO | MMM | 2014 |
Gauthier, BWM | MWO | MMM | 2013 |
Gauthier, JCM | MGen | CMM | 2005 |
Gienow, RM | LCol | OMM | 1983 |
Gilbey, RF | LCol | OMM | 2001 |
Glen, AK | CWO | MMM | 1987 |
Goodings, DR | MWO | MMM | 2003 |
Gosselin, DJPY | MGen | CMM* | 2007 |
Gosselin, DJPY | Col | OMM | 2003 |
Gray, GJG | Cpl | MMM | 2011 |
Grégoire, JPPJ | CWO | MMM | 1987 |
Griffin, P | CWO | MMM | 1984 |
Groves, DSP | Maj | OMM | 2014 |
Guimond, JAG | CWO | MMM | 2007 |
Gunn, DA | Capt | MMM | 1982 |
Hamel, JAJ | LCol | OMM | 2005 |
Hann, CM | Capt | OMM | 2000 |
Harding, WJ | MWO | MMM | 1985 |
Harris, JD | LCol | OMM | 1998 |
Harris, JR | MWO | MMM | 1993 |
Hartford, DL | MWO | MMM | 1998 |
Hartinger, PH | Capt | MMM | 2010 |
Hartling, MK | WO | MMM | 1996 |
Hebert, PERS | BGen | OMM | 2010 |
Hebert, PJA | CWO | MMM | 1994 |
Hodge, KG | MWO | MMM | 2003 |
Hodgins, LR | CWO | MMM | 2006 |
Hopkins, GR | Capt | MMM | 1992 |
Hosang, JR | Maj | OMM | 1977 |
Hotston, CR | CWO | MMM | 1980 |
Hunt, DJ | MWO | MMM | 1993 |
Hyndman, DB | MWO | MMM | 1973 |
Ingleby, EM | MWO | MMM | 2004 |
Johnston, WD | LCol | OMM | 1978 |
Jones, DE | MWO | MMM | 1987 |
Jones, KP | CWO | MMM | 2007 |
Jones, WAJ | Maj | OMM | 1978 |
Kittilsen, TS | CWO | MMM | 1985 |
Kletke, CA | CWO | MMM | 2013 |
Labrecque, JCR | Capt | MMM | 2008 |
Lacroix, GR | CWO | MMM | 2001 |
Lafontaine, MD | CWO | MMM | 2010 |
Laforge, JBS | MWO | MMM | 2013 |
Lajoie, JALB | WO | MMM | 1976 |
Lamothe, RDJ | CWO | MMM | 2011 |
Lepage, JVP | CWO | MMM | 1994 |
LeBlanc, GS | CWO | MMM | 2015 |
Lescoutre, RS | Col | OMM | 2001 |
Lesperance, JPTD | Col | OMM | 2000 |
Libby, GG | CWO | MMM | 2008 |
Locke, JF | CWO | MMM | 2005 |
MacDonald, RC | CWO | MMM | 2010 |
Maclean, LG | LCol | OMM | 1985 |
Madore, JS | CWO | MMM | 2013 |
Manning, GT | CWO | MMM | 1997 |
Manoukarakis, NJ | MWO | MMM | 2013 |
Marks, EV | CWO | MMM | 1983 |
Martinell, RS | LCol | OMM | 2007 |
Mattes, KT | CWO | MMM | 1988 |
McAuley, W | Capt | MMM | 2010 |
McEachern, RN | CWO | MMM | 2013 |
McGillivray, JB | MWO | MMM | 1975 |
McKinnon, RJ | MWO | MMM | 1983 |
McKnight, LD | CWO | MMM | 1993 |
McQuillan, KD | Bgen | OMM | 2013 |
Mears, SG | CWO | MMM | 2003 |
Mitges, AFJ | CWO | MMM | 1974 |
Montgomery, BWJ | CWO | MMM | 2012 |
Moore, RE | LCol | OMM | 1980 |
Morphet, G | Capt | MMM | 2013 |
Morrison, RC | CWO | MMM | 1993 |
Morton, WE | Maj | OMM | 1983 |
Munro, JL | CWO | MMM | 1989 |
Neilson, CL | CWO | MMM | 1993 |
Nelligan, DJ | MWO | MMM | 1997 |
Nelson, CL | CWO | MMM | 1993 |
Nixon, AR | CWO | MMM | 1993 |
Noble, DA | LCol | OMM | 1991 |
Noonan, SP | MGen | CMM | 2013 |
Noseworthy, FG | Col | OMM | 1997 |
Oliver, E | WO | MMM | 2013 |
Outhouse, SL | WO | MMM | 1974 |
Paradis, BG | CWO | MMM | 2007 |
Parker, DJ | Maj | MMM | 2008 |
Patterson, KA | CWO | MMM | 2004 |
Patterson, MS | CWO | MMM | 2000 |
Penney, KG | MGen | CMM * | 1997 |
Penney, KG | Col | OMM | 1993 |
Pitcher, PJ | Capt | MMM | 2009 |
Plante, JJ | MWO | MMM | 1994 |
Poile, HA | CWO | MMM | 1992 |
Pratt, GM | Col | OMM | 2008 |
Preece, CW | Capt(N) | OMM | 1999 |
Pynn, JV | CWO | MMM | 2010 |
Quinn, DO | LCol | OMM | 2011 |
Reichel, JEG | CWO | MMM | 1977 |
Rivard. JNM | CWO | MMM | 2013 |
Robertson, GD | CWO | MMM | 1986 |
Robison, VH | WO | MMM | 1977 |
Rochon, JMY | CWO | MMM | 2007 |
Rockey, WR | MWO | MMM | 1976 |
Rodger, DC | MWO | MMM | 1985 |
Rousseau, JMC | MGen | CMM | 2011 |
Rule, EHG | Maj | OMM | 1990 |
Sabourin, JGR | WO | MMM | 1983 |
Seward, LB | MWO | MMM | 1979 |
Shaw, RS | MCpl | MMM | 1972 |
Sirois, JS | Col | OMM | 2011 |
Smith, DW | Sgt | MMM | 1972 |
Snow, DI | MWO | MMM | 2001 |
St Hilaire, MT | CWO | MMM | 1973 |
St John, RK | LCol | OMM | 1988 |
Stack, AT | BGen | OMM | 2011 |
Ste-Marie, PFM | CWO | MMM | 2006 |
Stone, WA | CWO | MMM | 1989 |
Storey, ER | CWO | MMM | 1982 |
Swihart, LE | CWO | MMM | 1973 |
Testa, RP | Col | OMM | 2004 |
Thivierge, J | CWO | MMM | 1993 |
Thomas, RA | LCol | OMM | 1992 |
Thomas, SP | MWO | MMM | 2009 |
Thompson, MR | MWO | MMM | 2013 |
Tompkins, GM | CWO | MMM | 1992 |
Tondreau, JNP | WO | MMM | 1981 |
Toomey, KC | Capt | OMM | 2013 |
Toomey, PD | CWO | MMM | 2005 |
Torrie, RM | MWO | MMM | 1996 |
Tremblay, BJJ | CWO | MMM | 2001 |
Tremblay, JB | CWO | MMM | 2005 |
Trépanier, JGJ | Maj | OMM | 1988 |
Trudeau, JJR | WO | MMM | 1982 |
Tucker, SW | CWO | MMM | 2005 |
Turner, DE | Capt | MMM | 2009 |
Vader, GJ | CWO | MMM | 1995 |
Van Oostrum, EA | Maj | MMM | 2013 |
Vaughan, JE | Capt | MMM | 1995 |
Vida, RF | MWO | MMM | 2008 |
Vincent, JLF | CWO | MMM | 1994 |
Wadden, RM | CWO | MMM | 1977 |
Walton, THF | Sgt | MMM | 1974 |
Watson, PFM | MWO | MMM | 2006 |
Whitecross, CT | LCol | OMM | 2003 |
Whitecross, CT | LGen | CMM* | 2015 |
Williamson, D | LCol | OMM | 1989 |
Wilson, JGF | LCol | OMM | 1980 |
Woffindin, JH | Capt | MMM | 1980 |
Wylde, DW | MWO | MMM | 2002 |
Wynnyk, PF | Col | OMM | 2006 |
Wynnyk, PF | MGen | CMM* | 2013 |
Zypchen, GA | Col | OMM | 1991 |
Updated: 27 Apr 22