MWO G.R. Smith, CD

    Born in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, He enrolled in the CF as a direct entry Construction Electrician on 24 April 1979. Upon completion of Basic Training at CFB Cornwallis, He was posted to CFB Portage La Prairie, Manitoba where he remained from 13 July 1979 until 3 May 1982. During his time he completed a tour of CFS Alert, NWT 16 April -16 October 1980. Upon his return from Alert, he was off to CFB Chilliwack for his QL5 and subsequently Greg was promoted to Cpl. Posted to 1 Canadian Field Hospital (1CFH), CFB Petawawa as the token Engineer in a medical unit, 3 May 1982 - 23 July 1984. MWO Smith completed his Junior Leadership Course (JLC) at CFB Borden and was promoted MCpl. Then he was off to CFB Gagetown 23 July 1984, and back to Chilliwack for his QL6A. Greg was Posted to CFB Halifax 8 July 1985 and promoted Sgt. During his tenure in Halifax he returned to Chilliwack to complete his Construction Maintenance Technician (CM Tech) 615- QL6B, 4 January - 5 August 1988. He was Posted to CFB Shilo, Manitoba 12 Jan 1989 and completed his Senior Leadership Course (SLC) in Borden 16 March 1990, and was promoted to WO. Greg completed a UN tour with 3PPCLI under UNPROFOR, OP Harmony, Daruvar Croatia from 26 September 92 - 4 April 1993. He had the honour and privilege to not only serve with the infamous Regiment, but also to meet their Colonel and Chief, Lady Patricia. His next posting was to CFB Kingston, Ontario 20 June 1994 - 3 Jul 1996. He then volunteered for the base closure of CFB Calgary, Alberta 3 July 1996 - 2 February 1998 and relocation of of CMBG (Canadian Mechanized Brigade) to CFB Edmonton. MWO Smith then went to CFB Trenton, Ontario to 8AES (8 Airfield Engineer Squadron), as Flight WO of 81AEF (81 Airfield Engineer Flight) until 28 April 2000. During his tenure in Trenton he was part of a NATO Surge Deployment, Op Guarantor to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 21 Dec 1997 - 23 January 1998. He completed his second tour of CFS Alert, Nunavut 3 Sept 1999 - 3 Mar 2000. Upon return to Trenton he was posted inter-base to 1CAD CCC (1 Canadian Air Division, Contingency Capability Centre) as CSTD3 (Chief Standards, Training, Development 3). It is a unique unit, which afforded him the opportunity to visit Main Training Bases and Wings across the country and play a rewarding role in improving training infrastructure/ facilities and equipment. His final posting to CFSME, New Brunswick came 15 October 2004.

    Phyllis and Greg I will retire locally, at their present residence in Burton to remain close to their daughter, Jennifer, Son -In Law John, and three grandsons Cooper, Mason and Orian. A fourth grandson, Aidan, resides with their youngest son, Craig and mother Mae, in Kingston Ontario. Greg and Phyllis will still have active ties to the CF because their oldest son, Tom, is a Weapons Tech land and is currently in Trenton while their Son-In-Law John, is a Postal Clerk.