Military Headstones Needing Maintenance and Repair

Headstone of Pte WJ Evans, RCR needing repair
Publication Date 
09 Feb 2020

By Steve St. Amant (from Facebook - contributed by Lloyd Hodgins))

While doing some "boots on the ground" research yesterday, I came across this battered headstone to a member of the Royal Canadian Regiment who passed away prior to the outbreak of the First World War.

Normally, the maintenance of military headstones for the First & Second World Wars fall under the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. They cover the statutory dates between 4 August 1914 to 31 August 1921 and 3 September 1939 to 31 December 1947. The CWGC also provides commemoration to those who passed away outside of these dates but their death was directly attributable to their service.

When veterans pass away outside of these dates, this is where the #LastPostFund steps in to assist. Both of our flagship programs, the Funeral & Burial Program and the Unmarked Grave Program, are underwritten by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC).

In this particular case, Private Evans is outside of the statutory date for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. As a result, an email or call to Veterans Affairs Canada will start the process of having his headstone replaced.

If you come across a military-style marker in a local cemetery and it's need of repair or replacement, you can contact #VAC at either or call 902-626-2440 to get in touch with their maintenance program.

If you have any questions about the #Lastpostfund, don't be shy to ask!


For more about Steve St. Ament and the work he has been doing, see CBC News article A Nova Scotian's quest to make sure no fallen soldier is 'left forgotten'