WO Wayne Tripp, CD

    WO Tripp joined the CF in May 1985 completing his basic recruit training at CFB Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, then off to beautiful CFB Chilliwack where he completed his QL 3 Field Engineer Crse (041). WO Tripp was then posted to 2 CER CFB Petawawa, during this time he completed several courses including the Ships Diver and QL 5A Field Engineer Crse (041).

    In 1989 WO Tripp was posted CFB Baden-Soellingen, Germany with the Airfield Engineer Sqn, RAOS Tp (Roads Airfield Operating Surface Troop) where they achieved NATO certification. During this time he completed his HA Crse and in (1992) he was attached to 4 CER for his first deployment with UNPROFOR in Croatia.

    In 1993 WO Tripp returned to Canada and 2 CER, Petawawa. In 1995 WO Tripp completed an occupational transferred as a (FEEOP 042) Field Engineer Equipment Operator trade, and again deployed to Bosnia in 1998.

    In July 2000 he was posted to 4 ESR and deployed to Eritrea, Africa with UNMEE. The following year in 2001 WO Tripp was posted to Moncton NB with 1 Construction Engineering Unit, (now 1 Engineer Support Unit) where he deployed numerous times to South West Asia, Afghanistan, Alert to name a few. During this time WO Tripp completed several courses including the 043 Tp WO Crse, Soils Analysis Crse and achieved certification with the New Brunswick Society of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists.

    In 2007 he was on his finial posting to CFSME where he worked several different cells, such as Heavy Equipment Troop, Survivability and Tactics, releasing in 2009 from the Regular Force and transferring to the PRes.

    WO Tripp was now working as a reservist standing up 1 Engineer Sqn (37 CER) in Fredericton achieving great success with limited resources. During this time he also completed the Advance Bridging Crse.

    In Apr 2012 WO Tripp accepted a position with the Cadets and 3 ASG Engr Br (WSE to MWO) as the Infrastructure Development Officer for Camp Argonaut.

    Wayne has since accepted a job offer in the Public Service with the Canadian Forces Housing Agency as a Technical Services Officer, CFB Gagetown.

    Wayne his four daughters, Shawna, Toni, Alicia and Bailey and his beautiful wife Lorraine now live in Fredericton. Wayne has his camp out in the back woods of New Brunswick where he enjoys fishing and four wheeling with visions of turning it into their retirement home some day.