This page provides links to videos of interest to the CME family.
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This page provides links to videos of interest to the CME family.
If the video does not appear, please notify us immediately. There have been cases where the URL has changed.
Extracted from Facebook - February 2020
There's a bit of a story behind this film. I was assigned to give a 3-hour lecture to the Field...
Canadian, American and Dutch combat divers run practise recovery tasks, night navigation at annual exercise.
At the CMEA NCR Chapter History Night held in Ottawa in April 2015, LCol Nick Pilon describes Canadian contributions to the ongoing operations in the Middle East, Operation IMPACT.
At the CMEA NCR Chapter History Night held in Ottawa in April 2015, Sgt Jeff Quesnelle describes his experiences and his motivation as an IED Operator in Afghanistan.
At the CMEA NCR Chapter History Night held in Ottawa in April 2015, Deputy Canadian Forces Fire Marshal Major Rick Dunning speaks about the history and capabilities of CAF Firefighters.
At the CMEA NCR Chapter History Night held in April 2015, guest speaker Maj (Ret'd) Robbie Robertson of the Royal Canadian Regiment describes Canadian War Posters from WW1 and WW2.
Shaw Cable filmed Col (Ret'd) Sam Dunbar, Capt(Ret'd) Bill Stone and MWO(Ret'd) Ed Ashley. The short documentary starts about 30 seconds into the video. Share it with your friends.
Proposal to restore the saluting base from CFB...
As part of Exercise NIHLO SAPPER 2014 (Ex NhS 14), Canadian Armed Forces Engineering Officers and Construction Engineers supported by Combat Divers from 4 Engineer Support Regiment (4 ESR) were exercised to build a Medium Floating...
Short video highlighting 5 RGC UXO operations in Afghanistan.
2 Combat Engineer Regiment completes a night MGB build across a water obstacle while on exercise in Land Forces Central Area Training Centre, Meaford, ON.
2 Combat Engineer Regiment completes a night MGB build across a water obstacle while on exercise in Land Forces Central Area Training Centre, Meaford, ON.
Four minute Army News video focusing on 5 RGC operations in Afghanistan. Troops force insurgents to go through ANA checkpoints during Op 4000.
This is an Outdoor Live Network production focusing on the exciting parts of being a Combat Diver. Much of the footage comes from a recent Ex ROGUISH BUOY following the 1 CER Dive Team.
Short video aimed at recruiting combat engineers for Regular Force or Reserve service.
This video tells the story of the Izzy doll.
The Izzy Doll has become a contribution towards humanitarianism and caring for children caught up in conflicts around the world. It was started by a Canadian Sapper in the early 1990s...
LCol Dave Noble (Ret'd) describes Operation CESAR in the Canadian arctic to study the Alpha Ridge in 1983.
Apprentice Training Squadron 1953- 1967
In 1953, the “Greenmonsters”, as they were to become affectionately known, invaded Camp Chilliwack at Vedder Crossing, B.C. as the vanguard of the Engineer Sapper Apprentice Program. In...
In 1958, at the height of the Cold War and the infancy of the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) threat, John Diefenbaker, Canada's Prime Minister at the time, authorized the creation of close to 50 Emergency Government...
LCol Mark Gasparatto tells of his experiences supporting 1 RCR Battle Group in Kandahar Province of Afghanistan from Aug 06 to Feb 07.
Op RENDER SAFE is a multinational operation led by the Australian Army to clear Explosive Remnants of War from the South Pacific. Op RENDER SAFE 13 was conducted in the Solomon Islands with teams from Australia, USA, New Zealand, the...