Sgt Scott Hubley, CD

    Sgt Hubley joined the CF in Halifax on 4 July 1988. After completing Recruit school in Cornwallis and Battle School in Gagetown he was posted to the LdSH(RC), then in Calgary, in February 1989. During his 10 year stay at the Regiment he was deployed on many exercises and on operations into Bosnia for two tours, UNPROFOR in 1994 and SFOR in 1997.

    In 1998 he chose to remuster to STR Tech and was posted to CFSME in July 1998. After completing his QL3 course, he was posted to 171 AEF in Winnipeg in August 1999. In October 2001 he returned to CFSME for his QL5. In July 2003 he was promoted to MCpl and posted to 1 CER, Edmonton. In January 2005 he returned to CFSME and completed his 6A. In January 2006 he was promoted to Sgt and deployed with TF1-06 into Afghanistan.

    Accomplishments include a Brigade Commanders Commendation for work in Shilo in 2003, an Area Commanders Commendation for work on the Close Quarter Battle Ranges, Edmonton in 2004, and most recently the Task Force Commanders Commendation for work as the ESU Tp WO while deployed on TF 1-06.

    Sgt Hubley is retiring on 18 August 2008 after 20+ years of service to the CF. He will be staying in the Edmonton area and has accepted a superintendent position with United Construction Company.

    Anecdotes and messages of congratulation may be sent to the OPI, Sgt Gauthier MF via e-mail, or mail.