Sgt Larry Ramore, CD

    • Sgt Larry Ramore, CD

    Sergeant Ramore will retire from the Regular Force on 9 Aug 2009, with 24 plus years of loyal and dedicated service to his country and the Canadian Forces.

    Sergeant Ramore joined the Canadian Forces in 1985 as a Field Engineer.

    Sergeant Ramore remustered in 1999 as a Construction Technician. As a member of the military engineering branch he has been posted to CFB Shilo in 1989, 4 ESR in 1993, CFB Winnipeg in 2003, and 4 ESR in 2005. Sergeant Ramore completed a tour to Bosnia in 1994 and 2000 and Kosovo in 1999.

    Sergeant Ramore plans to move out West in the next few weeks. A retirement ceremony is planned for Sergeant Ramore 24 July 2009, 1130 hrs, at CFB Gagetown, building B45, 4 ESR Construction Engineering Troop canteen. Attendees are requested to contact Sgt Lutz at local 506-422-2000 ext 3569. Congratulatory msgs, anecdotes and best wishes are welcome and may be sent to Sgt Ramore via email to