Maj Bruce Sand, CD

    Major Bruce Sand will be retiring after 26+ years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Military Engineers and the Canadian Forces with effect from 3 September 2008.

    Major Sand, his wife Letricia and his mother-in-law, Juliana Robertson immigrated to Canada from Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) after its formal independence. Mr. Sand was an experienced Army officer from the Rhodesian Army. On August 17, 1982, Mr. Sand enrolled in the CF, as an Engineer Officer, at Toronto, Ontario, and was posted immediately to CFB Chilliwack, BC, Home of the Canadian Military Engineers. At Chilliwack, He received his immediate commission to 2Lt on August 19, 1982, followed by his promotion to Lt. on February 14, 1983 and his promotion to Captain on February 14, 1984. Captain Sand remained at CFSME Chilliwack until July 1984 whence he was posted to 1 CER, Chilliwack.

    In July of 1986 Captain Sand commenced a rapid-fire series of moves within the Army. He was posted to Land Force Command Headquarters in July 1986, CDLS London in the United Kingdom in February 1988 and then to D Mil E in Ottawa in February 1989.

    August 1991, saw Captain Sand posted to CFB Esquimalt where Letricia and the family quickly established their home base of Operations. From here, Captain Sand departed on two major deployments in rapid succession. From November 1997 to March 1998, Captain Sand participated in the NATO mission to the Former Yugoslavia, and then in September 1999 to February 2000, Captain Sand was on the INTERFET – Task Force Timor Operation. Upon completion of these missions, Captain Sand returned to Esquimalt and assumed all assigned duties with skill and dedication.

    July 2004 witnessed Captain Sand departs for CFB Kingston where, on 1 December, he was promoted to Major. With this development, Major Sand was immediately posted back to CFB Esquimalt, in July 2005, and assumed duties as the Operations Officer. This last year from October 2007 to April 2008, Major Sand served on the MINUSTAH mission in Haiti, and has returned to Esquimalt. Major Sand has submitted his release and intends to commence his retirement effective September 3, 2008. Bruce, Letricia and their family shall remain in the Victoria area.

    Anecdotes, well wishes and congratulatory messages and e-mails can be sent to CWO KE Warbis at Or Capt. MA Kierstead at All replies will be presented during a ceremony on a date yet to be determined at the end of August, at the Wardroom (Officer’s Mess) CFB Esquimalt.