Plan now to attend the 2015 CMEA National Conference. It will be held on November 25 and 26 at the beautiful Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa. Come out to support your Association, find out what is happening within the Association and the CME Branch, and look ahead to what...
National News
17 Sep 2015
21 Jul 2015
CWO Mark Baisley handed over his position as Division Sergeant-Major of 5th Canadian Division to CWO Shawn Croucher in a ceremony at the Cambridge Military Library at Royal Artillery Park in Halifax on Thursday (16 Jul 15).
CWO Croucher served with 1 Combat Engineer...
24 Jun 2015
This article was publshed in the Cape Breton Times under the title "Mira Gut man presented National Order of Legion of...
17 Jun 2015
23 Engineer Regiment, RE is now 23 Parachute Engineer Regiment. See the article and video at
17 Jun 2015
This item recently appeared in a news release from the Canadian Academy of Engineering. BGen André Corbould, OMM, MSC, CD retired from the Canadian Military Engineers in 2012.
Kenneth Andre Corbould – Deputy Minister, Alberta Transportation
Andre Corbould is...
16 Jun 2015
There are four videos posted covering Canadian Recruiting posters in WWI and WWII, the history of firefighting in the CAF, IED operations in Afghanistan and Canadian contributions to Op IMPACT:- ...
02 Jun 2015
The Association has received some good news concerning the success of the TD Insurance Meloche Monnex Home and Automobile Insurance Program as at March 31, 2015.
A document detailing these results is attached, but in summary:
- number of active policies...
19 May 2015
These are two RCAF News Articles reprinted here to highlight the role of 5 Wing Goose Bay Construction Engineering Section in supporting a US Engineer operation. The first was originally published in August 1914, and the second in May 2015. All photos were taken in 2014....
15 May 2015
The Major General John Arthur Stewart Trophy for 2015 was awarded to 26305 OCdt Daniel Filipe Cruz (Construction Engineer) seen in the photo receiving the trophy from CME Col Comdt Steve Irwin.
05 May 2015
Today a CANFORGEN was released announcing the Senior Appointments and Key Positions for Chief Warrant Officers. Among these appointments are seven CME members. The entire CME family should take pride in the accomplishments of these outstanding individuals. The CMEA...