CMEA 2024 Memorial Bursary Winners Update

Publication Date 
10 Oct 2024

Updated 31 January 2025

Update: We have received presentation photos for some of our winners.  Scroll down to take a look at the winning applicants.

The CMEA is pleased to announce the names of this year's eleven CMEA Memorial Bursary recipients. 

The bursary provides $2000 to each scholar. To date, the CMEA has presented a total of $174,500 to further the educational needs of our members and families. If you are a CMEA member and want to sponsor a scholar, see CMEA Bursary Program for application details.

This page will be updated with photos as they are received.

2024 CMEA Memorial Bursary Winners

Recipient Award Area of Study
Lauren  Ayotte Sergeant Shawn Allen Eades, CD Waterloo , Climate and Environment
Lauren  Blair Brigadier Herbert Love, OBE Algonquin , Advertising Management
Jenna  Buckler Captain John Bethune Roper, RCN Dalhousie , BSc 
Jessica  Fricker Corporal Étienne Gonthier Carleton , BEd
Wyatt  Knockleby Eugène-Étienne Taché Trent, Forensic Chemistry
Kylie  Martin Lt-Colonel John By, RE Queen's, Kinesiology
Morvarid Rezaei Noei Maj Gen William B Anderson, CMG, DSO Dalhousie, BSc
Austin  O'Neill Sapper Lloyd George Brewer, DCM UNB, BPhil
Rory  Saweczko Sergeant Michael Brodsky, MM Waterloo, Mathematics & Physics
Evan  Swallow MWO Edward Lawrence Ashley, CD McGill, BComm
Kaydelyn Zwicker Sapper Steven Henry Marshall Dalhousie, BNursing



Evan Swallow
Evan Swallow
MWO Edward Lawrence Ashley
McGill BComm

Jessica Fricker
Jessica Fricker
Corporal Etienne Gonthier
Carleton University BEd

Wyatt Knockleby
Wyatt Knockleby
Eugène-Étienne Taché
 Trent U Forensic Chemistry

Lauren Blair
Lauren Blair
Brigadier Herbert Love, OBE
Algonquin , Advertising Management

Austin O'Neil
Austin O'Neill
Sapper Lloyd George Brewer

241109 Melvari Rezaei Noei
Morvarid Rezaei  Noei
MGen William Beaumont Anderson
Dalhousie  BSc

Lauren Ayotte
Lauren Ayotte
Sergeant Shawn Allen Eades
Waterloo Honours Climate & Env



Originally published 10 Oct 24