WO/Adj R.S. McGraw, CD
WO Randy McGraw, CD - Geomatics Technician will be retiring from the CAF, on 8 Feb 2021, after 22 + years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF and the CME Branch. Randy will be honoured at a virtual DWD ceremony on 5 Feb 2021 @ 1100 via Microsoft Teams. A link to the virtual DWD ceremony will be released for anyone who wishes to attend. Please send all congratulations msg or anecdote to: WO Chris Fernandez-Ledon, MCE Ottawa, at Christopher.Fernandez-Ledon@
forces.gc.ca. ____________________________________________________________________
Warrant Officer Randy McGraw will be retiring from the CAF on 08 February 2021 after 22 plus years of loyal and dedicated service to Canada, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Royal Canadian Engineers. He will be starting his new career as a civilian GIS analyst for the Government of Canada on that date.
WO McGraw was born in Williams Lake, BC, in 1980 and enlisted in the CAF in Oromocto, NB, in 1998. He was posted to 2 R22eR upon completion of his Infantry QL3 in 1999. While serving in the Infantry, WO McGraw deployed to Bosnia in 2002. He served in the Royal 22ième Régiment until 2007.
WO McGraw remustered to Geomatics Technician in 2007 and was course loaded on the first QL3/5 course to take place at Algonquin College in Ottawa, ON. Upon completing his QL3/5, WO McGraw was posted to 5 RGC in Valcartier, QC. While posted there, he was deployed to Haiti as part of Op HESTIA.
WO McGraw was posted to the Mapping and Charting Establishment (MCE) in 2013 and subsequently deployed to Egypt as part of TF El Gorah in 2015. He was then posted to Naples, Italy in order to work in the NATO HQ from 2017 – 2019. Since 2019, he has worked at MCE until his retirement date of 08 February 2021.
During his time at MCE, WO McGraw has held multiple key positions such as instructor at the School of Military Mapping, Unit Ops Sgt and Geo Sp Sqn Ops WO.
Proud father of two sons, Emerick and Alexandre, he looks forward to spending more time with them and his wife Elizabeth.
At WO McGraw’s request, friends and colleagues are welcome to attend his Depart with Dignity presentation function which will take place virtually on the 05 February 2021, 1100hrs via MS Teams (meeting link below). Please send all congratulations msg or anecdote to WO Chris Fernandez-Ledon, MCE Ottawa, at Christopher.Fernandez-Ledon@forces.gc.ca.