WO/Adj P.W. Leighton, CD
After more than 22 years of loyal service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, WO Peter Leighton will retire on 27 Aug 2021. At the member’s request, no formal retirement function will take place. Congratulatory messages and best wishes can be sent to MWO R.K. MacNeil at Russell.MacNeil@forces.gc.ca.
In 1999, WO Peter Leighton joined the CAF Air Reserve as a Construction Technician with 143 CEF Bridgewater. While there, he was employed on B Class service and traveled throughout the Atlantic provinces, completing various construction projects, C-spans, renovations, community projects, and bridges on the Trans-Canada trail. Most notably, he spent three weeks in Tennessee with the Air National Guard.
In 2002, WO Leighton transferred to the Regular Force and was posted to CFB Halifax with the NCT. That September, he deployed to Bosnia Herzegovina to help close-out TSG. In 2004, WO Leighton was posted to CFB Petawawa as the Regimental Carpenter for the Royal Canadian Dragoons. He was promoted to MCpl in 2009 and posted to CFSME as an Instructor. In 2012, he was promoted to Sgt and subsequently posted back to CFB Halifax as a contracts inspector with BCE. In 2014, WO Leighton took a short-notice deployment on OP Calumet in North Sinai, Egypt. WO Leighton has been employed in the following positions within RPOS(H): Rqmts NCO, Prod 2I/C, Prod O, and Ops & Trg NCO. He is currently employed as the Atlantic Region Ops WO.
WO Leighton will retire from the CAF after more than two decades of service. He, his high school sweetheart, Shauna, and their two children, Stella and Griffin, are looking forward to moving back to Lunenburg Co, Nova Scotia, where he plans to eventually work in the family’s construction business.