WO/Adj M.J. Duguay, CD

    • WO/Adj M.J. Duguay, CD

    After more than 20 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers Branch, WO Mike Duguay, CD, retired on 25 February 2022. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to MWO M.G. Rosales at Mario.Rosales@forces.gc.ca.

    WO Michel “Mike” Duguay was born and raised in Bathurst, New Brunswick, where he enrolled in the CAF as a Water Fuel Environment Technician (WFE Tech) on 5 November 2001. After Basic Training at CFLRS in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, Mike completed trades training at CFSME in Gagetown, New Brunswick, and at the Nova Scotia Community College in Halifax, Nova Scotia, becoming DP1 qualified in 2002.

    In January 2003, Mike was posted to the Area Construction Troop (ACT) at 1 CER. From there, he deployed in response to the fires in British Columbia in 2004, completed WFE Tech DP2 in 2005, deployed to Afghanistan on Roto 5 in 2008, and later that year, was promoted to MCpl.

    In 2009, Mike was posted to the Area Naval Construction Troop (ANCT) Halifax as the Ops MCpl. Upon promotion to Sgt in 2011, he was posted to PNCT TP in Esquimalt as CE Contracts and Trg Coordinator. While in Esquimalt, he completed QL6A and took part in OP NANOOK 12 as the Camp WFE Tech and senior construction leader.

    In 2014, Mike was posted to 1 ESU in Kingston, Ontario, as the 2 SET WFE Tech. He then deployed on OP UNIFIER Roto 0 in Ukraine, OP IMPACT Roto 0 in Erbil, Iraq, to assist with the construction of a 250-man camp, and finally on OP PRESENCE Roto 0 in Mali to assist with establishing joint AF support as the senior CE Tech.

    In 2018, Mike was promoted to his current rank and a year later, posted to RPOU(O) Det Kingston as the Works CE Supt. Finally in 2020, his final posting would be to RPOU(O) Det Toronto as the Contracts WO.

    During 20 years of service, Mike received a Commander’s Coin for his efforts during the British Columbia fires and during OP NANOOK 12 as well as a CO’s Commendation during OP IMPACT Roto 0 in Erbil, Iraq.

    Mike coached soccer from 2005 to 2007 while in Edmonton, supporting his children’s participation in community sports.

    At the end of February, Mike took the many skills and talents he had acquired during his years in the CAF to his new employer, HOBART Canada. There, he is the field supervisor for the Kingston to Ottawa and eastern Ontario areas. He, his wife Natalie, and three boys, Nicholas, Dominic and Alexandre, will settle in the Kingston area.