WO Wayne M. White, CD
Warrant Officer Wayne White served 20+ years with the Canadian Armed Forces. After joining the CF from Saint John New Brunswick in April 1988, he was posted to CFB Shilo Manitoba with the 3rd Royal Canadian Horse Artillery where he served over 9 years.
Once posted to CFB Shilo, Wayne attended various Artillery and Combat related courses as well as the MLOC courses. His Combat Leaders Course was in 1990 after which he was promoted to the appointment of MBdr. As an artilleryman he was also tasked out for avalanche control in BC and the Penticton forest fires in the early ‘90s. A short time after serving the Guns he was tasked as an instructor for another Combat Leaders Course with the PPCLI School of Infantry at CFB Wainwright Alberta.
Physical training and sports always played an important role in the Unit as well as in the Community. Wayne was an active member of the ice hockey team and coached woman’s softball, children’s soccer, hockey and hockey school. His time and dedication to the Shilo Community resulted in a Community Service Award.
After over 9 years in Shilo, his AVOTP was accepted and he completed the WFE QL3 training in November 1997 at CFB Chilliwack BC. Wayne was then posted to 17 Wing CE, CFB Winnipeg Manitoba. He was employed at the Wastewater Treatment Plant where he completed his QL4 training and continued learning the WFE trade in Wastewater Treatment, POL, swimming pools and the Environment. Other trade related training involved Confined Space Entry, Environmental Field Screening, Swimming Pools and Spas, Fire Fighting and Prevention, WHMIS, Petroleum Mechanics 3 course and the Hazardous Materials Technicians Course. Trade related courses outside the Military included five University of Sacramento courses.
After Winnipeg he was posted to 86 ASU Trenton Ontario where he spent 2 years. From Trenton Wayne went to CFSME Gagetown where he will finish out his worthwhile career.
Warrant Officer White’s tours include, 1992–1993 with the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery in Cyprus, Kosovo in 1999 with 17 Wing Greenwood NS, one in the UAE in 2002, six months at CFS Alert and a one-month deployment in Kashechewan Ontario, where his unit responded to a Community water crisis.
Wayne always looked forward to the challenges that the CF and the WFE trade brought him. He enjoyed serving at CFSME, which is his final posting before his retirement in September 2008.
It was through teamwork and dedication with his peers and co-workers that have made his career memorable, successful and rewarding. He will miss those times and will cherish them in both his memories and in his heart.
WO White will be remaining in the area as he has accepted employment with the local water treatment plant.