WO Kelvin "Kelly" Wilson, CD
After more than 28 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Warrant Officer Kelvin Wilson, CD (bio attached), will retire 30 August 2017. A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will take place at the WOs & Sgts Mess in Shilo, on 25 Aug 2017. Attendees are requested to advise the OPI of their planned attendance NLT 23 Aug 2017 Anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI by e-mail. OPI: MWO Dave Keast, email at David.Keast@Forces.gc.ca<mailto:David.Keast@Forces.gc.ca> or by phone at 204-765-3000 ext 3253.
Après plus de 28 ans de bons et loyaux services au sein des Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) et la Branche du Génie militaire canadien, l'adjudant Kelvin Wilson, CD (veuillez voir la bio ci-jointe), prendra sa retraite le 30 août 2017. Une cérémonie de départ dans la dignité aura lieu au Mess des Adjs & Sgts à Shilo, le 25 août 2017. Les participants sont priés d'informer le BPR de leur participation prévue APTL 23 août 2017. Les anecdotes ou souhaits de retraite peuvent être envoyés au BPR par courriel. BPR : l'adjum Dave Keast, courriel David.Keast@Forces.gc.ca<mailto:David.Keast@Forces.gc.ca> ou par téléphone au 204-765-3000 ext 3253.
WO Kelvin (Kelly) Wilson enrolled in the CAF on 16 March 1989 with B Squadron, the 8th Canadian Hussars in Sussex, NB. After 7 years with the Reserves, Kelly decided to join the Regular Force in April 1996 as an Electrical Generating Systems Technician. Upon completion of QL3 in Chilliwack, Kelly headed back east to Halifax to work in the EGS Shop. While in Halifax he deployed on OP PALLADIUM and also deployed on 3 TAVS, 2 for OP Palladium, and 1 for OP ECLIPSE.
In 2002, as a fresh new MCpl, Kelly was off to CFSME in Gagetown to try his hand at teaching on various EGS courses. He was promoted to Sgt in 2004 and completed his 6A while at the school.
In 2007, after 5 years at CFSME, Kelly was off to WCE in Cold Lake. While at CE, Kelly completed a tour at the PRT in Afghanistan. Kelly was promoted to his current rank in 2008, and remained employed at CE as the Contracts WO. In 2013, he was posted to 4 CES in the horizontal construction section.
Finally, after 9 years in Cold Lake, Kelly was posted to RPOU (West) Detachment Shilo and employed as the Contracts Officer. He has decided to call it quits on 30 August 2017 after a fulfilling 28+ year career in the CAF.
WO Wilson will be starting his retirement in the Saint John NB area, waiting for his pension cheques to start rolling in. After that he plans to be moving to Thailand in the near future.