WO Joseph Gratton, CD
After more than 23 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, WO Joseph Gratton, CD (bio attached), will retire 05 Feb 2017. A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will take place at the Matthew J. Dawe Memorial Legion (Collins Bay, Br 631), Kingston ON, planned for 31 Mar 2017, from 1300-1600hrs. Attendees are requested to advise the OPI of their planned attendance NLT 28 Mar 2017. Anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI by e-mail or fax.
OPI: 1 ESU HQ SM, MWO Martin Roncetti, or by fax at 613-634-1108.
Warrant Officer Gratton joined the 49th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery in Sault Ste Marie On as a reservist gunner in in November 1993. After completion of basic and trades training he component transferred to the Regular Force as a Combat Engineer in January 1995.
In June of 1995 upon completion of his QL3 he was posted to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment at CFB Chilliwack BC. In June of 1996 he moved with the Regiment to Garrison Edmonton where he would remain for 13 years reaching the rank of Sgt. During his time with the finest Engineer Regiment in the Canadian Forces he completed a variety of courses including basic parachutist, rappel master and advanced mountain operations instructor. He was employed in a wide variety of roles including mechanized and light engineer operations, armoured engineer and heavy equipment operator. He was a member of every Troop and Squadron within the Regiment with the exception of Maintenance troop and Regimental Headquarters.
In 2009 he was posted to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering at CFB Gagetown NB where he worked as an instructor in Horizontal Construction Troop and then, upon his promotion to Warrant Officer in 2012 as the Roads Cell Supervisor.
In 2014 he was posted to 1 Engineer Support Unit at CFB Kingston ON. While with 1 ESU he was employed as a Specialist Engineer Team member and as a Combat Engineer subject matter expert.
Over the course of his career WO Gratton has served on several domestic operations, as well as five operational tours including Bosnia 1997, Kosovo 1999, Afghanistan 2002, 2005, and 2008. He has also been awarded the Commander in Chief Unit Commendation for his Op Apollo 2002 tour, a task force Afghanistan Commanders Commendation for his work at the PRT in 2005 and a Canadian Expeditionary Force Commanders Commendation for his work on Task Force 1-08
WO Gratton is retiring from the Canadian Forces after 23 years of loyal and dedicated service. He will continue working in the public service as a Project Supervisor with Loyalist Township.