WO John H Short, CD
WO Short joined the CF in the summer of 1982 as a member of 56 Field Engineer Squadron. Upon completion of QL3 and QL5 and a brief 3 month stint in Alert, he was recruited into the regular force on 31 May 1984.
Pte Short completed his basic training at CFB Cornwallis during the summer of 84 and was subsequently posted to the Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering at CFB Chilliwack to begin his Reg F QL3 in Sep 84. After the completion of the QL3, Pte Short was posted to 1 CER, 1 Tp in Chilliwack until Jul 1988.
In Jul 1988, Pte Short was posted to 4 CER in Lahr, Germany at the rank of Cpl and was injected into the new realm of Heavy Equipment Troop. As the only 041 in the troop, then Cpl Short saw the light and remustered to Heavy Equipment Op (FEEOP) in Jan 1990. During his tenure in 4 CER, Cpl Short was deployed to Croatia in 1992 with CCUNPROFOR Roto 0. Upon his return, he was subsequently promoted to the rank of MCpl and posted to CFB Gagetown Range Control in July of 1993. After three years in Range Control, having encountered many UXOs and far too many range fires, MCpl Short was promoted to Sgt and posted to 4 ESR in Jul 1996.
During his posting to 4 ESR (Jul 1996 – Jul 2003), Sgt Short fulfilled the positions of 45 Sqn Ops as well as Regt Trg NCM and Hy Eqpt Tp Recce. Also during this period, Sgt Short was deployed with the unit to the Winnipeg floods, Montreal ice storm and Op Palladium (99). Sgt Short was promoted to WO in Jul 2002 filling the posns of Hy Eqpt Tp WO and 48 Sqn Ops WO and was deployed on Op Eclipse (2001) as the Regt Ops WO. He was posted to 56 Field Engineer Squadron (St John’s) in Jul 2003 until present, (now 56 Engr Sqn).
WO Short has attained the SSM, NATO/Peace, UNPROFOR, CD1 and CPSM decorations. He will be retiring from the CF on 16 June 2008.
WO Short along with his wife Denise and two daughters (Samantha and Tasha) will reside in St John’s for the foreseeable future, while he completes a two year program in architectural and mechanical design at Academy Canada. After that, who knows?
A warm welcome to those who visit the wonderful province of Newfoundland is open to all.