WO Barry Fallon

    WO Barry Fallon (Ret'd) will retire from DND on 11 Feb 2015, after over 37 years of combined service with the CAF and DND. (see bio attached) Friends and colleagues are welcome to attend the farewell ceremony, which will take place at Richmond Pub in Calgary, on 5 Feb at 1130hrs. Congratulatory messages, anecdotes, pictures and farewell wishes can be forward to WO Jocelyn (Josh) Coulombe jocelyn.coulombe@forces.gc.ca

    Adj Barry Fallon (Retraité) prendra sa retraite du MDN le 11 fév 2015 après plus de 37 années de service combiné avec les FAC et le MDN. (voir bio ci-joint). Une cérémonie pour souligner son départ aura lieu le 5 fév 2015 à 11h30 au Richmond Pub à Calgary. Veuillez acheminer vos messages de félicitations, anecdotes et photos à l'Adj Jocelyn Coulombe jocelyn.coulombe@forces.gc.ca

    Wife of 31years – Manuela

    Sons - Bryan, Benjamin, Shane & Lucas

    1. Born – 11 Feb 1960 in Saint John NB.
    2. Joined the military in Jul 1978.
    3. 1978 to 80 - 2 RCR Gagetown.
    4. 1980 to 84 - 3 RCR Baden Soellingen Germany (Cold War), where he immersed himself in the local culture. Enjoying the beer/bratwurst/schnapps and other European delights.
    5. Meet his wife (Manuela) and married in Dec of 1983.
    6. First was born in Germany just before the repatriation of 3RCR to Winnipeg, MB. in 1984. In 1987 his second son was born and he saw the light, LOTR’ing to Structural Tech.
    7. After completion of QL 3 at CFB Chilliwack was posted to CFB Calgary spending 2 years with Base Engr.
    8. In 1989 was deployed to the LdSH for the next 3 years as the Unit Carpenter until 1992 during which time son #3 came along in 1990 then back to Base Eng for 6 months followed by a tour in Alert, promoted to MCpl and posted to CFB Kingston in 1993.
    9. Employed as the 2I/C of the Carpenter Shop, Supervisor PMQ Services Center and Special Projects Team. Son #4 was born in 1995 and upon promotion to Sgt in 1997 was posted to CFB Cold Lake.
    10. Employed as the I/C Carpenter Shop. Completed a tour in the Golan Heights in 1999. Upon return to Cold Lake was appointed as Construction Maintenance Team Leader (CMT) consisting of Carpenter, Plumbing, Electrical Shops and Roads & Grounds. Promoted in 2000 to WO continuing has CMT Leader and Eng Flight WO until 2001.
    11. In Apr 2001 post to ASU Calgary as the Eng WO until he retired in Jun 2003.
    12. After a few months off was contracted by DND as a Consultant for 6 months managing projects and then with PWGSC at the RMCC as the Bldg Operator.
    13. In 2004 was hire full time by DND as the Project Liaison Officer which was later changed to the current title of Snr Project Manager which is kind of funny as he was the only one. Throughout this time his role/duties changed several times due to loss of staff through cut backs and retirement to included RO, Fin O, Util O, Cont O and all other duties you would find in a large Base Engr Unit.
    14. Retirement plan in priority:
    1. Spend time with family (grandchildren),
    2. Ride bike often,
    3. Golf weekly if not more, and
    4. Travel.