WO / Adj Patrice Vincent, CD
We regret to advise of the tragic and sudden death of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent, 53 years old, a military Firefighter with 28 years of service, who died in a lone wolf terror hit and run attack in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec on Monday, 20 Oct 2014.
WO Patrice Vincent joined the Canadian Forces 1985 as a Combat Engineer. After his initial trades training, he was posted to CFB Valcartier. In 1990 he re-mustered to the military Fire Fighter trade. As military Fire Fighter, he served in numerous locations and environments such as 19 Wing Comox, CFB Edmonton, 8 Wing Trenton, and 22 Wing North Bay. WO Vincent also served on several warships such as HMCS CALGARY, ALGONQUIN, WINNIPEG, OTTAWA, and ST JOHN'S. In Jul 2012, promoted to the rank of Warrant Officer, he was posted to Joint Task Force East HQ at Montreal, QC and then in Mar 2013 at- the Joint Personnel Support Unit at the Integrated Personnel Support Centre in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC. He was proud to be a Fire Fighter who took pride in knowing his job was that of protecting others in their time of need.
Viewing will be at Complexe funéraire Yves Légaré, 2570, Marie-Victorin Blvd. East, Longueuil, QC J4G 1P5, Friday 31 Oct 2014 (1330-1700) and (1900-2200) and again on Sat 1 Nov (0830-1030). Funeral will be on Sat 1 Nov 2014 at 1100hrs at the Cocathédrale Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue, 55 Ste-Elizabeth, Longueuil, QC J4H 1J3.
Citizens who wish to honour Warrant Officer Vincent are invited to pay tribute on Saturday, November 1 along the funeral procession route, which will begin at the Yves Légaré funeral complex in Longueuil, Quebec. The procession is scheduled to begin at the complex at 10:15 a.m. and then proceed to the Cocathédrale Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue via Marie-Victorin Boulevard, Bord de l’Eau Est Street, Grant Street, and Saint-Charles Street West.
In accordance with the wishes of the family, attendance at the church will be restricted to invited guests only. Following the service, military units and uniformed service members are invited to assemble on Saint-Charles Street to pay their final respects as the procession passes en route to a private interment.
We are privileged to be able to post the eulogy that was delivered at WO Vincent's funeral. Click here.
Post Script: In 2014, One Air Task Force Iraq location was named Camp Vincent in honour of Firefighter WO Vincent.