Spr Joseph Phillip Arthur Tellier

    • Spr Phillip Tellier' gravemarker in the Lakeview Cemetery in Princeton BC
    • RCE EIIR Badge

    We regret to advise of the death of Sapper Joseph Phillip Arthur Tellier of Greenwood BC on 4 May 2004 at the age of 72 Years.

    Phillip was born in St Boniface MB. He served with the 59th Field Squadron, Royal Canadian Engineers in Korea. After his Army service he settled in the Lower Mainland of BC and worked as a tinsmith. In the 70s, he moved to 150 Mile House for a short time before moving back to the Surrey BC. In 1996, he and his wife Winnie retired to Greenwood BC.

    Spr Phillip Tellier is buried in the Lakeview Cemetery in Princeton BC along with Winnie.