Spr Emerson Edward Rogers (Ret’d)

    • Emerson Rogers, 13 Coy, CFC
    • RCE GVIR Badge
    • 1st Fd Coy DRs in England, Sprs Doug, Emerson, and Trevor Rogers.

    We regret to advise the death of Sapper Emerson Edward Rogers on 28 October 2010 at Taigh Na Mara, Glace Bay.  Emerson was born in Westchester Mountain, Cumberland County NS, the eldest son of Stanley and Juanita Rogers. The family grew to include two sisters and five brothers. 

    On 9 September 1939, the day before Canada officially declared war, Emerson and two younger brothers, Sheldon and Doug, boarded a train for Halifax to join the army.  All three were assigned to the 1st Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers and started their training at Wellington Barracks in Halifax.  They all ended up in the unit’s transport section and were assigned to the Headquarters Section as motorcyclists.

    On 27 January 1940, the company embarked and sailed from Pier 21 in Halifax with a strength of over 270 officers and men for the United Kingdom.  They started training in the Aldershot area of Surrey in England.  It was not long until Emerson’s experience in logging and milling, likely gained working in his father’s sawmill, led to a transfer from the RCE to the Canadian Forestry Corps.  He served in Scotland with Number 13 Company. It was in Scotland he married his wife of 59 years, Betty Weymss, in St. Andrews.

    When the war ended, the couple settled in Sydney Forks and had three children. For many years, Emerson worked at Chappels Building Supplies. He was later employed by Canada Post in Sydney Post Office until he retired in 1980.  Emerson was a lifetime member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 151, where he served as president and treasurer. He was also a longtime volunteer for Meals on Wheels. 

    Visitation will take place at Sydney Memorial Chapel on Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A memorial service will be held in the chapel on Tuesday 11 AM. Interment will take place at a later date. Condolences may be sent to the family at www.sydneymemorialchapel.ca.