Spr Bernie Pershing Bale (Ret’d)

    • Sapper Bernie Pershing Bale (Ret’d), Hillside Cemetery, Medicine Hat
    • RCE Badge circa 1937-1952

    We regret to advise of the death of Sapper Bernie Pershing Bale (Ret’d) at the Medicine Hat, AB Hospital on 12 August 2007 at the age of 90 years.

    Bernie was born in Oyen, AB.  He was a veteran of the Second World War who served in the Royal Canadian Engineers.  After demobilization, he and his family settled on his family’s homestead in Oyen, AB later moving to a farm just south of Medicine Hat.  Bernie was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Robertson Memorial Branch #17 in Medicine Hat.

    Bernie is buried with his wife in the Hillside Cemetery, Medicine Hat.  {dcJan2017gd} [zpp, zsd, zdb]