Sgt W.F. Daw, CD
After more than 35 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers Branch, Sgt William Daw, CD, retired on 20 May 2022. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to Sgt G.L Porter at
Sgt William Daw joined the CAF on 30 Apr 1987 in Edmonton, AB, as a Field Engineer. He completed Basic Training at CFB Cornwallis in NS and Field Engineer training at CFSME Chilliwack in BC. From there, he was posted to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment (1 CER) in Dec 1987 and was employed as a field section member, APC driver, and Tp HQ driver.
In Nov 1989, Sgt Daw was posted to 4 CER/41 SHQ in Lahr, Germany, as the Training 2I/C and OC’s APC driver. In 1990, he returned to CFSME Chilliwack and completed the QL5A course that November. Sgt Daw provided security to military installations during Desert Storm while continuing to be employed as a section and TP WO driver. From Mar to Oct 1992, Sgt Daw deployed on Op Harmony, Roto 0, in Croatia before returning to 4 CER to take part in the Regiment’s final parade.
In Nov 1992, Sgt Daw was posted to CFB Chilliwack as part of Base Ops. In Jan 1997, he was posted to 1 CER in Edmonton, deploying to the Winnipeg floods from April to May that year. The next year, he deployed to Quebec following the ice storm. In Jul 1999, Sgt Daw was posted to 6 Fd Sqn (M) North Vancouver as RSS Staff and in Oct 2002, he was posted to Range Control at CFB Suffield.
In May 2007, Sgt Daw transferred to the Reserves of 8 Fd Engineer Regt/41 CER. He was then posted to LFWA HQ G1 as the Ops Clerk from Aug 2009 to Jan 2012.
In Jan 2012, Sgt Daw transferred back to the Regular Force and was posted to 1 CER/15 Sp Sqn Res Tp in Edmonton where he was promoted to the rank of (Acting) MCpl that November. Sgt Daw received a Bde Commendation for his support of exercises in the Chilcotin Range Training Area near Williams Lake, BC. In 2013, he was sent to CFSME Gagetown for the Heavy Equipment Operator Course (HEOC) and to CFB Wainwright for the Primary Leadership Qualification (PLQ) course, where he received the Cory Graham Award. Sgt Daw returned to CFSME Gagetown again for the DP3A course in Nov 2015. Finally back at 1 CER, Sgt Daw was promoted to the rank of Sgt in April 2016, subsequently occupying the positions of Heavy Equipment Sect Comd, Regimental MT rep, NPF NCO, Tank Barn 2I/C, and finally, his current position within 17 Armd Sqn SHQ.
Sgt Daw has fond memories of playing regimental and base hockey, of competing in the Beaver Cup Pacific and Prairie divisions, and of taking part in Ex Strong Contender. Sgt Daw has since traded his stick for a whistle to become a hockey and ball-hockey official, having participated in regional and nation competitions.
After 35 years of service, Sgt Daw has chosen to be semi-retired within the heavy equipment trade, both locally and in northern Canada. Sgt Daw is looking forward to spending his time in the Edmonton area with his wife, Sondi, daughter, Kayla, and son, Dallas.