Sgt Robin Bourbonnais, CD
After twenty plus years of loyal and dedicated service, Sgt Rob Bourbonnais will retire from the CF Fire Service. Sgt Bourbonnais joined the CF as a fire fighter in 1988 and has served at several locations through out Canada namely Portage la prairie, North Bay, Victoria on board HMCS Protecteur, HMCS Vancouver, Trenton, CFFA , and more recently Comox. Robin and his most patient and beautiful wife Rhonda have endured several imposed restriction postings and will finally take up full time residency status together in the quaint village of New Lowell Ontario, just a hop skip and a pension check away from Borden. Rhonda will continue to work in the Public Sector in Borden while Rob pursues a second career in the fire fighting field; with several various sidelines such as carpentry, landscaping and what ever else Rhonda will let him do. Sgt Rob Bourbonnais wishes to express his gratitude and best wishes to all who he has had the privilege to serve with, train, and even accidently run over during a friendly game of hockey.
Anecdotes and messages of congratulation may be sent to the OPI, WO Gerard Slaunwhite ( A retirement function will be held in Comox on the 10 Oct 08 at a location to be determined.