Sgt Mark Ball, CD

    • Sgt M. Ball, CD

    After 24 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, Sgt Mark Ball, CD will retire 03 Sept, 2016. A Depart with Dignity Ceremony will take place at the 1 Combat Engineer Regiment (Patton) Building in Edmonton, on 12 1300 Aug 2016. Attendees are requested to advise the OPI of their planned attendance NLT 05 Aug, 2016. Anecdotes or retirement wishes may be sent to the OPI by e-mail. OPI: WO Ryan MacArthur, or by phone at 780-265-2337.

    Sgt Mark Ball was born in Sudbury, Ontario, but was raised in Ottawa, Ontario. Mark joined the Canadian Armed Forces on 03rd Oct, 1992 with the reserves of 3rd Field Engineer Squadron (3 FES). He then successfully completed his QL3 in Chilliwack, B.C. and returned to Ottawa. Mark immediately applied for a component transfer to the Regular Force. During his time at 3 FES, he completed his QL5 course again in Chilliwack and then deployed to CFS Alert in 1996. His message came in for the Regular Force while he was still deployed to report to 1 CER in Edmonton, AB on 03 September, 1996.

    With 1 CER, Sergeant Ball deployed to Bosnia in 1997 and Kosovo in 1999. He also deployed to Afghanistan in January 2002 on Operation Apollo. Mark also deployed on domestic operations to include Salmon Arm, B.C. and the Montreal Ice Storm.

    In 2004, Mark was posted to CFB Edmonton Engineer Services and returned to 1 CER the following year. Upon return to the regiment, he was then tasked to the PPCLI Battle School to teach on an SQ course and then JLC/JNCO Course. After these courses and his return to 1 CER he volunteered to fill a required position in Wainwright and the role in CMTC as the G3 WES Equipment manager. He stayed in this position for 3.5 years on IR.

    Mark was then given the chance to be posted back to 1 CER to fill a key role in the regiment. On 14 February, 2011 he became the NPF NCO of the regiment until his retirement. During his period as NPF NCO, the Regiment’s NPF budget has been balanced, and due to his hard work, has seen great profits as a growing business. Due to the vast amounts in the accounts, 1 CER will be benefiting from Mark’s hard work for many years to come.

    With great happiness, Sergeant Ball decided to retire and end his career with 1 Combat Engineer Regiment. During his lengthy military career he was awarded the Southwestern Asian Service medal, NATO Kosovo medal, the NATO Former Yugoslavia (ART 5), the Canadian Peacekeeping medal, the Queen Diamond Jubilee medal and the Canadian Decoration 1st clasp.

    Mark and his loving wife Georgina, sons Alex and Ethan, and daughter Aubrey will be moving on and starting their next chapter of life in Thailand. Chimo!