Sgt F.E. Hamill, CD
After more than 15 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers Branch, Sgt Frank Hamill, CD, will retire on 01 September 2022. Sgt Hamill will have a private Depart with Dignity celebration at his personal residence. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to Sgt M.K.J. Galbiati-Bourassa at Michael.Galbiati-Bourassa@
Prior to joining the CAF, he earned a diploma in Chemical Technology from Mohawk College in 2005.
Frank started his career in the CAF at the recruiting center in London, ON, on 02 August 2007. After BMQ at CFLRS, he headed to CFB Gagetown to wait for WFE Tech DP1. During this wait, he spent nine months at CFB Borden working at the wastewater treatment plant. In spring of 2009, he finally began DP1 with Out-Sourced Training (OST) in Shearwater, NS.
Completion of DP1 in the summer of 2009 sent Pte Hamill to the 4 ACSS Sqn WFE Shop at CFB Cold Lake, AB. During his time there, he was domestically deployed to Inuvik in 2011 and sent to Suffield for OJT in 2011 before returning to CFB Gagetown for DP2 in 2012. Following promotion to Cpl, he completed PLQ in 2013 at CFB Borden before being posted to 191 CEF at CFB Comox in the fall of 2013.
Shortly after arriving in Comox, he deployed with 4 ESR on Op RENAISSANCE in the Philippines following a hurricane that ravaged the area. There, he learned the value of instant coffee. He was promoted to MCpl following Christmas leave in early 2014 and completed DP3 in 2015. After a tour to CFS Alert over the summer of 2016 and a promotion to Sgt in the summer of 2017, Sgt Hamill was posted to 1 ESU at CFB Kingston. While there, he deployed on Op PRESENCE to Dakar and Mali in 2018.
Soon-to-be Frank (not Mr. Hamill) has accepted a civilian position with RP Ops back in Cold Lake, AB, following his retirement.