Sgt D.S. McClure, CD

    • Sgt D.S. McClure, CD

    After more than 21 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineers, Sgt Donald McClure, CD, will retire on 10 January 2023. Sgt McClure will continue to work in the CME family, having accepted a position in the WFE Shop at RPOU(A) Det Greenwood. He wishes to thank everyone with whom he has worked for the laughs and good times over the years. Anecdotes and retirement wishes may be sent to WO P.J. Gofton at

    A DWD function for Sgt McClure will be held at the Annapolis Mess on 10 March 2023 from 14:00-17:00.

    Sgt Donnie McClure will retire as a Water, Fuels, and Environmental (WFE) Technician with more than 21 years of service. Donnie completed the QL3 WFE course in August 2004 and was posted to 14 Wing Greenwood. While there, he developed his trade skills and in 2006, deployed on Op CANOPY to provide potable water to indigenous communities. In 2008, Donnie was promoted to Master Corporal and posted to Cold Lake, Alberta, where he started to develop supervisory skills. He also deployed to Afghanistan in fall of 2009. In 2013, he was posted to CFSME and shortly thereafter, promoted to Sergeant. At CFSME, Donnie found his passion for instruction and enjoyed being in front of a class providing instruction at all levels. From 2017 until 2019, Donnie was posted to 4 ESR for a taste of regimental life. Donnie then returned to Greenwood, where it all began, as the WFE shop supervisor. Mr. McClure has accepted a job with DND as an HP3 WFE Tech, where he hopes to spend more time with wrenches and less time with a keyboard.