RCMP Constable Vern Genaille
We regret to advise of the sudden death of RCMP Constable Vernon Myles Genaille on 22 December 2002.
Vernon was a former Field Engineer who undertook his Recruit Training in 1970 and was posted to 3 Field Squadron in 1971 upon completion of his Field Engineer basic training. A tour in 4 Combat Engineer Regiment followed and Vernon remustered to Administrative Clerk in the 1980s and later instructed as a Sergeant in CFB Borden. After 20 years of service, he left the Canadian Forces for a career in the RCMP.
Vern was the recipient of the RCMP's Commissioner's Commendation Awards for Bravery. Vern was very interested in Army Cadets and worked with 1725 Cadet Corps RCE in Chilliwack and was instrumental in forming The Seabird Island Cadet Corps in the Agassiz, BC.
Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on 30 December 2002 at St. Mary's Church in Chilliwack with interment at the Chilliwack Cemetery. Should friends desire, donations could be made to The Agassiz/Sea Bird Island Cadets c/o Jerry Meehan Comp. 52, #3 52324 Yale Road Rosedale, BC V0M 1X0.