My motivation for writing this book originates from my interest to review my Armed Forces services, especially my tours of duty in Afghanistan in 2008 and 2011. My 2008 tour was unique because my direct involvement in warfare was my introduction to not only encountering “life and death” situations, but also a lesson in overcoming mixed emotions about personal life-changing experiences. As I wrote this book, I reassessed the timeframe during my two tours about personal complications which plagued my mind, and which I have come to rationally accept as justifiable. I have been able to satisfactorily resolve individual and private matters and have peaceful closure with the events which transpired.
My purpose for writing this book was not only for personal reasons, but also to enlighten and educate persons who may be, or are, interested in joining the military. A third purpose to write this book was for readers to understand the country and people of Afghanistan, the war in Afghanistan, and the role and responsibility of the Canadian Armed Forces when Outside Canada (OUTCAN) and fighting for our country overseas.
Understanding a mysterious and beautiful country as Afghanistan, is to understand the complexity of extremism. As a foreign soldier in a foreign country, I came to understand not only the importance of learning about the Afghan way of life, but also how a lack of knowledge fosters attitudes, views and biased judgements. In Afghanistan, I learned how extremist political factions can bring chaos and disorder to the extent of disrupting the majority of peaceful inhabitants, and how the whole of Afghan society has been, and continues to be affected by ever-changing external and internal geopolitical control of the country.