In The Mood For Peace

Cover of the book "In The Mood For Peace"
The Story of the Izzy Doll
Year Published 
Phyllis Wheaton

In the Mood for Peace; the Story of the Izzy Doll is not just about the Izzy Doll phenomenon. It is also about a Peacekeeper, his family, his troop, and his country. It is about post-traumatic stress, corruption, good luck and divine intervention. It is about Canadians who reached through the veil of grief and suffering to find hope and literally change the world.

“Mark Isfeld …believed that the smallest act of kindness could profoundly influence humanity for the better. In The Mood for Peace is a story about relationships and healing and how self-described ‘ordinary’ people have done extraordinary things. You will meet Canadians, from all walks of life, who are taking decisive action – one volunteer, one knitter at a time… Grab a copy of this book for yourself and consider purchasing additional copies for someone who would benefit from the message – you will not be disappointed and neither will they.”

Faith Wood,
Inspiring Minds,

“It’s also a tremendously uplifting book. We see through the eyes of those who have looked into the dark places, yet still can care deeply…Well-written, well-researched, with a plethora of evocative photographs and poetry that will scorch your soul, Ms. Wheaton will change how the reader sees the world. And that’s a good thing.”

Val (Robin) Ladouceur,
Robin Banco Limited Editions

Have you ever in your life been caught up so deeply in a story or concept that it became your focus, your duty to get the message out there?

Seeing an Izzy Doll in Calgary’s war museum back in 2006 caused me to stop in my tracks. It’s presence was magical and a paradox for the building that housed artifacts of war. I smiled and wondered why this doll was here. I made a point to meet the Isfeld family where I learned the story.

As a songwriter who enjoys the challenge of compacting a story into something rhythmic and often rhyming, I set out to write a few songs about Mark Isfeld and the Izzy Doll. I added these to other appropriate ‘Soldier’ songs compiling an album called “In Harms Way.” I thought I had done my part to promote the stories of Peacekeepers with this music.

In August 2007 Brian Isfeld arrived in Calgary for Peacekeeper Day. He visited me and brought data discs which he placed in my computer and walked me through Mark’s letters, their family history, Carol’s art, their hobbies and more. It was as if he knew something I didn’t. He left these discs with me and I was oblivious to what this gesture meant.

Just days later Carol unexpectedly died. Five months later Brian joined her.

I was still rather thick to clue into what I was supposed to do. Another two years passed. One day someone sent me an Izzy Doll news article with inaccurate details. Saddened that yet another Canadian story would be lost, I woke up. I had to do my part to ensure this story reached Canadians. After all, Brian had given me the discs.

That day was the beginning of two and ½ years of research, interviews, writing and editing. The positive comments and reviews have not been surprising as the stories in the book are magnificent examples of Canadian families who rose above their pain to contribute substantially to the world. It was and is such an honour to have been part of the ‘telling’ of these stories.

See more about the author at:

Update July 2024: An eBook Digital electronic book in a PDF format of “In the Mood for Peace – The Story of the Izzy Doll” E-Book, now available as a free download. Read or Download here >>