Boats at Arnhem and Other Stories

Boats at Arnhem and Other Stories
Year Published 
John Silz

This is a collection of ten articles and essays on the engineers and signals of World War II. The subjects range from the engineer’s view of the Battle of Arnhem to the viewpoint of the Royal Canadian Signals during the surrender of the German Armed Forces in The Netherlands. Two pieces are commentaries on what should have happened during Operation Market Garden concerning the engineers and their boats, while other stories deal with the recovery of the 23rd Field Company, R.C.E. after their ordeal during Operation Berlin, including the building of the Martin Bridge which stood for 40 years.

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About the Author

John has written numerous non-fiction books on the engineers in WWII, a travel book and a novel. For his books on WWII engineers please visit the Storm Boat Kings website.

He can be found - when not wandering the planet with his wife - at home with his nose in a book.