50 Years of Airborne Sappers

50 Years of Airborne Sappers - Cover
Year Published 
LCol D.J.J. Foreman, OMM, CD (Ret'd)

LCol D.J.J. Foreman, OMM, CD (Ret'd) has just published his second coffee table book “50 Years of Airborne Sappers” that you can see by clicking here.  This is Doug’s second venture into publishing and follows the success of his book “50 Years of Combat Diving in the Canadian Army.”

Doug is as passionate about Airborne Sappers as he is about Combat Divers and this started at the outset of his career in the Canadian Military Engineers.  While at Military College as an Officer Cadet, he started the Parachute Club at both Royal Roads and Royal Military Colleges.  This interest continued through his officer training at CFSME and a subsequent posting to Canadian Forces Europe with 4 Field Squadron as an engineer troop commander. Maj Foreman was finally loaded on a Basic Jump Serial 8701 at 41 years of age and posted as Commanding Officer of 2 Combat Engineer Regiment, the Airborne Engineer Group and Engineer in the Canadian Airborne Regimental and SSF Tactical Headquarters.  Doug has always appreciated and promoted that "airborne undaunted warrior spirit" that has significantly contributed to the Canadian Military Engineers, the Army and the Canadian Forces in general. Seldom acknowledged and little known, the airborne sapper story needed to be told. This well-illustrated book tells that story and honours all sappers who wore the Maroon Beret.

This project has been self-financed and the book can be bought directly from the PICABOO website for about $US150. If you order through Doug, you can share a bulk rate discount of 60%. Doug can also incorporate updates and new information with each order. Doug will also sign all books ordered through him with comments. Each book can be individualized if you send a portrait photo. The first 20 orders will receive free shipping (approx $15). Contact Doug at djjforeman@gmail.com or home phone 250 391 0249.

About the Author 

From the outset of his career in the Canadian Military Engineers. LCol Foreman was passionate about parachuting. While at Military College as an Off‌icer Cadet. he started the Parachute Club at both Royal Roads and Royal Military Colleges. The RMC team won the f‌irst Ontario Intercollegiate accuracy competition in 1969. While at CFSME and completing his Off‌icer Training. Lt Foreman assisted and jumped with Col Don Rochester as he returned from commanding the Airborne Regiment. A highlight was his hosting the CAR parachute team "f‌ledgling Skyhawks" as they prepared for international competitions. Upon posting to Canadian Forces Europe. Capt. Foreman continued tojump with the Baden Skydivers and was assigned as the 4 Fd Sqn engineer troop commander in support of 3 Mechanized Commando. In all. he amassed 145 jumps with nearly 25 mins of accumulated freefall time obtaining his CSPA  Instructors B licence.

Unfortunately. the needs of the Engineers precluded any airborne duties until Maj Foreman was loaded on a basic jump serial 8701 at 41 years of age and posted as Commanding Off‌icer of 2 Combat Engineer Regiment, the Airborne Engineer Group and Engineer in the Canadian Airborne Regimental and SSF Tactical Headquarters. He has always appreciated and promoted that 'airborne undaunted spirit" that has signif‌icantly contributed to the Canadian Military Engineers, the Army and the Canadian Forces in general. Seldom acknowledged and little known. the airborne sapper story needs to be told. This book honours all sappers who wore the Maroon Beret and all those who contributed to this photo history.