Pigspiel Proceeds Given to Soldier On / Sans Limites

Cpl Jennifer Fraser, Maj Alexandre Landry, OC RP Ops Det Kingston, Maj (Ret'd) Chris Catry, and receiving the cheque on behalf of Soldier On / Sans Limites, MWO Ed Butt, Sgt-Maj RP Ops Det Kingston.
Publication Date 
06 Dec 2018

From Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SoldierOnSanslimites/posts/1922840764438166

This weekend, we are going to take a moment to thank the Canadian Military Engineers of RP Ops Det Kingston, who back on 12-14 April 2018, held their annual curling Bonspiel. They decided to donate the proceeds this year to the Soldier On fund, and managed to collect $3000,