Order of Military Merit

Commander of the Order of Military Merit (CMM)
Officer of the Order of Military Merit (OMM)
Member of the Order of Military Merit (MMM)

The Order of Military Merit (French: Ordre du mérite militaire) is a society of members of the Canadian Forces who have demonstrated dedication and devotion beyond the call of duty. The order was established in 1972 by Queen Elizabeth II who serves as the Order's Sovereign with the governor general as the Chancellor and the Chief of the Defence Staff as Principal Commander. The complete story of the Order of Military Merit is contained in a Government of Canada publication available for download.

The Order has three classes, Commander, Officer and Member.

Commander of the Order of Military Merit

Appointment to the level of Commander is made for outstanding meritorious service in duties of great responsibility. This has been interpreted to mean that, as a guideline, only Flag and General Officers are generally eligible to be appointed a Commander.

Officer of the Order of Military Merit

Appointment to the level of Officer is made for outstanding meritorious service in duties of responsibility. This has been interpreted to mean that, as a guideline, officers of the ranks of Lieutenant-Commander or Major to Captain(N) or Colonel are generally appointed to this level. Occasionally, a Flag or General Officer, A Lieutenant (N) or Captain, a Chief Petty Officer 1st Class or Chief Warrant Officer may be appointed as an Officer if it is more appropriate for their level or responsibility. For the latter (CPO1 and CWO), this usually occurs through promotion within the Order.

Member of the Order of Military Merit

Appointment to the level of Member is made for exceptional service or performance of duty. This has been interpreted to mean that, as a guideline, Non-Commissioned Members (NCMs), Petty Officers, Warrant Officers, and Junior Officers are generally appointed to this level. This is a guideline however and occasionally, Lieutenant-Commanders or Majors are appointed as Members if this is more appropriate for their level of responsibility.

Engineer Recipients of the Order of Military Merit

The following CME members have had their distinctive merit and exceptional service recognized by their being invested into the Order of Military Merit. Should you be aware of a Canadian Military Engineer who was invested into the Order but whose name does not appear on this list, please advise the Webmaster.

Many of the citations for these awards are posted on the Governor General's Website.

This page was updated on 1 August 2014. Any errors or ommissions should be brought to the attention of CME History.

* = Promotion within the Order

Name Rank at Time
of Award
Grade Date of Award
Adams, JL MGen CMM 1992
Albertson, P WO MMM 2012
Albertson, PJ WO MMM 2013
Aman, JCL MWO MMM 2009
Anderson, RS WO MMM 1973
Arcand, GR CWO MMM 2003
Armstrong, DW MWO MMM 1995
Atchison, CW CWO MMM 1987
Atherley-Blight, JM Maj OMM 2005
Banfield, W Cpl MMM 1974
Barr, GL Maj OMM 1987
Beaulne, JALM WO MMM 1986
Benjamin, DRS MGen   CMM * 2007
Benjamin, DRS Col OMM 2002
Bernatchez, JM CWO MMM 1995
Bernier, JAJY Capt MMM 2004
Blanchette, JRG WO MMM 1973
Blazecka, TD LCol OMM 1998
Bouchard, JJ LCol OMM 2001
Braby, JW LCol OMM 1993
Brown, AC BGen CMM 1985
Brown, DA CWO MMM 1980
Bruce, RL CWO MMM 1998
Busenius, WE Cpl MMM 1974
Butler, JRR MWO MMM 2007
Call, JDA LCol OMM 1980
Cantin, JMM CWO MMM 2007
Card, SM Maj OMM 2009
Chadder, RK Col OMM 2006
Charlebois, WA Sgt MMM 1974
Chartrand, JYR CWO MMM 1995
Chiasson, TC MWO MMM 2013
Clare, RGA LCol OMM 1972
Clinton, LJ CWO MMM 1989
Cook, RWW MWO MMM 1995
Corbett, DW Maj OMM 2002
Corbould, KA BGen OMM 2010
Côté, JM CWO MMM 2001
Counsell, RG Capt MMM 2005
Cournoyer, JMJC CWO MMM 2008
Couture, JFD CWO MMM 1995
Coxall, DW CWO MMM 2008
Crosby, GA CWO MMM 2013
Croucher, SE CWO MMM 2013
Cull, DW Capt MMM 1995
Cyr, FW Maj OMM 2006
Daley, JM CPO1 MMM 1991
Darch, K Capt MMM 2013
Davidson, AB MWO MMM 1972
Dawe,  SM MMM 2014
Daws, RL CWO MMM 1988
DeCoste, JR Capt MMM 1976
Dellavalle, GP WO MMM 2008
DesLauriers, RW LCol OMM* 1999
DesLauriers, RW MWO MMM 1979
Doherty, TP CWO MMM 1990
Dolezal, MS Cpl MMM 1974
Donley, MW Maj OMM 1998
Dorfschmidt, G CWO MMM 1995
Doucette, TD MWO MMM 2011
Dubois, JLAG LCol OMM 1999
Duffin, TC Maj OMM 1993
Duguid, GWJ MWO MMM 1986
Dunning, SJ Capt MMM 1992
Duplisea, DC Maj OMM 2005
Durand, DJ CWO MMM 2002
Ellis, KRG CWO MMM 2011
Elverum, E MWO MMM 1976
Evoy, TM Maj MMM 2013
Fitch, ES Col OMM 1998
Foley, GA CWO MMM 2006
Folliet, L CWO MMM 1977
Ford, CK Col OMM 1995
Ford, WA CWO MMM 2001
Foreman, DJJ LCol OMM 1991
Forest, JE CWO MMM 1996
Foster, DS MWO MMM 2013
Fraser, DE HLCol OMM 1996
Gaudreau, JDS CWO MMM 2014
Gauthier, BWM MWO MMM 2013
Gauthier, JCM MGen CMM 2005
Gienow, RM LCol OMM 1983
Gilbey, RF LCol OMM 2001
Glen, AK CWO MMM 1987
Goodings, DR MWO MMM 2003
Gosselin, DJPY MGen CMM* 2007
Gosselin, DJPY Col OMM 2003
Gray, GJG Cpl MMM 2011
Grégoire, JPPJ CWO MMM 1987
Griffin, P CWO MMM 1984
Groves, DSP Maj OMM 2014
Guimond, JAG CWO MMM 2007
Gunn, DA Capt MMM 1982
Hamel, JAJ LCol OMM 2005
Hann, CM Capt OMM 2000
Harding, WJ MWO MMM 1985
Harris, JD LCol OMM 1998
Harris, JR MWO MMM 1993
Hartford, DL MWO MMM 1998
Hartinger, PH Capt MMM 2010
Hartling, MK WO MMM 1996
Hebert, PERS BGen OMM 2010
Hebert, PJA CWO MMM 1994
Hodge, KG MWO MMM 2003
Hodgins, LR CWO MMM 2006
Hopkins, GR Capt MMM 1992
Hosang, JR Maj OMM 1977
Hotston, CR CWO MMM 1980
Hunt, DJ MWO MMM 1993
Hyndman, DB MWO MMM 1973
Ingleby, EM MWO MMM 2004
Johnston, WD LCol OMM 1978
Jones, DE MWO MMM 1987
Jones, KP CWO MMM 2007
Jones, WAJ Maj OMM 1978
Kittilsen, TS CWO MMM 1985
Kletke, CA CWO MMM 2013
Labrecque, JCR Capt MMM 2008
Lacroix, GR CWO MMM 2001
Lafontaine, MD CWO MMM 2010
Laforge, JBS MWO MMM 2013
Lajoie, JALB WO MMM 1976
Lamothe, RDJ CWO MMM 2011
Lepage, JVP CWO MMM 1994
LeBlanc, GS CWO MMM 2015
Lescoutre, RS Col OMM 2001
Lesperance, JPTD Col OMM 2000
Libby, GG CWO MMM 2008
Locke, JF CWO MMM 2005
MacDonald, RC CWO MMM 2010
Maclean, LG LCol OMM 1985
Madore, JS CWO MMM 2013
Manning, GT CWO MMM 1997
Manoukarakis, NJ MWO MMM 2013
Marks, EV CWO MMM 1983
Martinell, RS LCol OMM 2007
Mattes, KT CWO MMM 1988
McAuley, W Capt MMM 2010
McEachern, RN CWO MMM 2013
McGillivray, JB MWO MMM 1975
McKinnon, RJ MWO MMM 1983
McKnight, LD CWO MMM 1993
McQuillan, KD Bgen OMM 2013
Mears, SG CWO MMM 2003
Mitges, AFJ CWO MMM 1974
Montgomery, BWJ CWO MMM 2012
Moore, RE LCol OMM 1980
Morphet, G Capt MMM 2013
Morrison, RC CWO MMM 1993
Morton, WE Maj OMM 1983
Munro, JL CWO MMM 1989
Neilson, CL CWO MMM 1993
Nelligan, DJ MWO MMM 1997
Nelson, CL CWO MMM 1993
Nixon, AR CWO MMM 1993
Noble, DA LCol OMM 1991
Noonan, SP MGen CMM 2013
Noseworthy, FG Col OMM 1997
Oliver, E WO MMM 2013
Outhouse, SL WO MMM 1974
Paradis, BG CWO MMM 2007
Parker, DJ Maj MMM 2008
Patterson, KA CWO MMM 2004
Patterson, MS CWO MMM 2000
Penney, KG MGen  CMM * 1997
Penney, KG Col OMM 1993
Pitcher, PJ Capt MMM 2009
Plante, JJ MWO MMM 1994
Poile, HA CWO MMM 1992
Pratt, GM Col OMM 2008
Preece, CW Capt(N) OMM 1999
Pynn, JV CWO MMM 2010
Quinn, DO LCol OMM 2011
Reichel, JEG CWO MMM 1977
Rivard. JNM CWO MMM 2013
Robertson, GD CWO MMM 1986
Robison, VH WO MMM 1977
Rochon, JMY CWO MMM 2007
Rockey, WR MWO MMM 1976
Rodger, DC MWO MMM 1985
Rousseau, JMC MGen CMM 2011
Rule, EHG Maj OMM 1990
Sabourin, JGR WO MMM 1983
Seward, LB MWO MMM 1979
Shaw, RS MCpl MMM 1972
Sirois, JS Col OMM 2011
Smith, DW Sgt MMM 1972
Snow, DI MWO MMM 2001
St Hilaire, MT CWO MMM 1973
St John, RK LCol OMM 1988
Stack, AT BGen OMM 2011
Ste-Marie, PFM CWO MMM 2006
Stone, WA CWO MMM 1989
Storey, ER CWO MMM 1982
Swihart, LE CWO MMM 1973
Testa, RP Col OMM 2004
Thivierge, J CWO MMM 1993
Thomas, RA LCol OMM 1992
Thomas, SP MWO MMM 2009
Thompson, MR MWO MMM 2013
Tompkins, GM CWO MMM 1992
Tondreau, JNP WO MMM 1981
Toomey, KC Capt OMM 2013
Toomey, PD CWO MMM 2005
Torrie, RM MWO MMM 1996
Tremblay, BJJ CWO MMM 2001
Tremblay, JB CWO MMM 2005
Trépanier, JGJ Maj OMM 1988
Trudeau, JJR WO MMM 1982
Tucker, SW CWO MMM 2005
Turner, DE Capt MMM 2009
Vader, GJ CWO MMM 1995
Van Oostrum, EA Maj MMM 2013
Vaughan, JE Capt MMM 1995
Vida, RF MWO MMM 2008
Vincent, JLF CWO MMM 1994
Wadden, RM CWO MMM 1977
Walton, THF Sgt MMM 1974
Watson, PFM MWO MMM 2006
Whitecross, CT LCol OMM 2003
Whitecross, CT LGen CMM* 2015
Williamson, D LCol OMM 1989
Wilson, JGF LCol OMM 1980
Woffindin, JH Capt MMM 1980
Wylde, DW MWO MMM 2002
Wynnyk, PF Col OMM 2006
Wynnyk, PF MGen  CMM* 2013
Zypchen, GA Col OMM 1991

Updated: 27 Apr 22

  • Rodger, Donald Charles
    16 Dec 1985
    Rank at Time of Award: MWO


  • Brown, Archibald Collier
    30 Jun 1985
    Rank at Time of Award: BGen


  • MacLean, Lorne George
    30 Jun 1985
    Rank at Time of Award: LCol


  • Marks, Earl Vincent
    23 Dec 1983
    Rank at Time of Award: CWO


  • Gienow, Ralph Martin
    13 Jun 1983
    Rank at Time of Award: LCol


  • Morton, William Earl
    13 Jun 1983
    Rank at Time of Award: Maj


  • Gunn, Donald Alexander
    13 Dec 1982
    Rank at Time of Award: Capt


  • Storey, Ernest Ralph
    28 Jun 1982
    Rank at Time of Award: CWO


  • Moore, Robert Earl
    08 Dec 1980
    Rank at Time of Award: LCol


  • Call, Joseph Douglas Albert
    16 Jun 1980
    Rank at Time of Award: LCol


  • Cruickshank, Angus Forbes
    16 Jun 1980
    Rank at Time of Award: CWO


  • Hotston, Charles Robert
    16 Jun 1980
    Rank at Time of Award: CWO


  • Seward, Leonard Brian
    10 Dec 1979
    Rank at Time of Award: MWO


  • DesLauriers, Richard Wayne
    18 Jun 1979
    Rank at Time of Award: MWO


  • Johnston, William David
    19 Jun 1978
    Rank at Time of Award: LCol


  • Folliet, Louis
    12 Dec 1977
    Rank at Time of Award: CWO


  • Robison, Vernon Howard
    12 Dec 1977
    Rank at Time of Award: WO


  • Hosang, John Richard
    20 Jun 1977
    Rank at Time of Award: Maj


  • Wadden, Robert Moore
    20 Jun 1977
    Rank at Time of Award: CWO


  • Rockey, William Ronald
    06 Dec 1976
    Rank at Time of Award: MWO


  • De Coste, John Ralph
    02 Dec 1976
    Rank at Time of Award: Capt


  • Elverum, Einar
    14 Jun 1976
    Rank at Time of Award: MWO


  • Banfield, Wilfred
    09 Dec 1974
    Rank at Time of Award: Cpl


  • Busenius, Wayne Ernest
    09 Dec 1974
    Rank at Time of Award: Cpl


  • Charlebois, Wayne Alvin
    09 Dec 1974
    Rank at Time of Award: Sgt


  • Walton, Thomas Henry
    09 Dec 1974
    Rank at Time of Award: Sgt


  • Clare, Richard Gerald A.
    13 Dec 1972
    Rank at Time of Award: LCol

