Isabella Poston Receives a 2020 CMEA Memorial Bursary

Isabella Poston 2020 Bursary Winner
Publication Date 
12 Jan 2021

Recently, the President of the CMEA received a note from Isabella Poston, the recipient of the Sgt C.M. Ralph Memorial Bursary. Isabella is studying at the University College of London (UK) where there is a COVID-19  lockdown. She wrote:

Dear Mr. Dickson,

Thank you once again for having selected me as one of the recipients for the CMEA Memorial Bursary. I am very honoured.

I apologise that this email is coming so late; I had left the country when the award was delivered. I have attached a picture of myself with the certificate.

Thank you very much once again,

Isabella Poston

See 2020 CMEA Memorial Bursary Winners for more photos.