CMEA Memorial Bursaries 2020 Winners

CMEA Crest
Publication Date 
14 Dec 2020

This year is the first time each award has been given in memory of a prominent member of the Canadian Military Engineer family.  The personalities selected represent the rich range of history and accomplishments the Engineers have contributed to our nation.  Each recipient will receive a special memorial scroll in their name. The tradition has begun and all future bursary awards will be so named. Congratulations to all our winners.

The ten winners of this year's CMEA Memorial Bursary have been announced and are listed below.  We are adding photos of the winners at CMEA Memorial Bursary Presentations 2020 as they are received.  See Table of the CMEA Memorial Bursary Winners.

Memorial Bursary Name         

Successful Applicant      

CMEA Chapter       

AVM R.R. Collard, OBE Jessica MacIsaac Bagotville
Brigadier J Melville, CBE, MC, ED Gabriel Power Petawawa
Colonel C.S. Gzowski, KCMG Kyle Daniel Edmonton
Colonel D.H. Rochester, OBE, CD Jessica Fricker Ottawa/NCR
Corporal S.C. Fields, RCE Rachel Carrière Ottawa/NCR
Lieutenant-Colonel C.N. Mitchell, VC Morgan Sherherd Petawawa
Master Corporal M. Isfeld Sydney Merriam Ottawa/NCR
Sapper T. Longboat Kurt Luchia Chilliwack
Sergeant C.M. Ralph Isabella Poston Member at Large
WO II W.R. Leja, GM Hannah Berghuis Ottawa/NCR

Memorial Scrolls // Certificats commémoratifs

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