2021 CMEA Memorial Bursary Winners

Each year, the CMEA awards a number of bursaries to association members or member's dependents who are pursuing post-secondary studies. Each bursary is named in memory of a distinguished military engineer to honour their significant contribution to the Canadian Military Engineers, the Canadian Armed Forces, or Canada during their lifetime. To date, the CMEA has awarded a total of $ 115,500 to further the educational needs of our members and their families.

Table of CMEA Memorial Bursary Winners

The CMEA is pleased to announce the nine bursary winners for 2021. Each winner will receive $1500 towards their post-secondary studies. Click on highlighted names to see any presentation photos that have been sent to us.

Memorial Bursary

Bursary Winner


Lt George Alfred Hickson, DCM, MM Ashley Granter St John’s, NL
FO Douglas Stevenson, GM Ruiqi Rachel Jin Calgary, AB
Maj John Frederick “Si” Sininger, MiD, CD Claire E. Wilbur Gagetown, NB
Maj Robert Burns Cameron, DSO Shelley Paulus Comox, BC
Sgt John Andrew Macfie, DCM, MM Haley L. Kombargi Kingston, ON
Gaspard Joseph Chassegros de Lery Yara Shaath Montreal, QC
Sgt Samuel Glode, DCM Machara MacNeil Halifax, NS
Maj Joseph Yannick François Pépin, MSM, CD Jessica MacIsaac Kingston, ON
Sgt Shane Stachnik, CD Erin Gale Ottawa, ON

Congratulation to all our winners.

Memorial Scrolls // Certificats commémoratifs

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