Article by MWO Jason Swanson, Real Properties Operations Detachment Cold Lake
On May 08, Lt Timothy Cook, a Construction Engineering Officer in RPOU(W) Det Cold Lake, received his commission scroll and was also awarded the Vice Chief of...
Article by MWO Jason Swanson, Real Properties Operations Detachment Cold Lake
On May 08, Lt Timothy Cook, a Construction Engineering Officer in RPOU(W) Det Cold Lake, received his commission scroll and was also awarded the Vice Chief of...
Article by: Capt. Kyle Ho, RPOU(W) HQ Operations Officer
On 02 May, the Real Property Operation Unit (West) (RPOU(W)) Comd Team visited Canadian Force Base Suffield. In addition to meeting with key base stakeholders, the aim of the visit was...
On 6 June 1944, Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy (France) to open the way to Germany from the West. Victory in the Normandy campaign would come at a terrible cost. The Canadians suffered the most casualties of any division in the 21st British Army...
A group of Canadian Forces military engineers, the station command team, and Nasittuq technicians standing proudly in front of the CFS Alert welcome sign. They have been deployed to the northernmost Canadian Armed Forces station standing together for 121st birthday of the...
CMEA Members,
Applications for the CMEA Bursary Program 2024 are open to CMEA members and their dependents. Applications must be received before 31 August 2024. See the CMEA website for additional information: ...
Canvet Publication’s digital Veterans Benefits Guide 2024 is a user-friendly electronic publication designed to help veterans and currently serving military personnel get benefits to which they are entitled. The guide is an informative resource for veterans and those...
The CMEA awards the Major-General John Arthur Stewart Trophy Awarded to the top Military Engineer cadet in their graduating year. This year, 29710 OCdt Megan Roy (00181-01 Engineer) received the trophy from Col John Lesperance (Ret'd) on behalf of the CMEA.
The award...
Article submitted by LCol Mike Dunning
Army Technical Staff Officer/Warrant Officer Program (ATSOP/ATWOP) students from the Department of Applied Military Science (AMS) of the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) recently returned from a...
Article by: Capt Kyle Ho, RPOU(W) Operations Officer
May, which fills the air with excitement, marks the beginning of Asian Heritage Month. It's a time to joyfully celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and contributions of Asian...
The CME would like to announce the release or retirement of the following members. (No biographies submitted):