MWO/Adjum Ronald Desroches, CD

    MWO Ronald Desroches is retiring from CF on the 16 Feb 2009 after 28 years of dedicated services to the regular CF.

    Born in Verdun, Montreal, Qc. MWO Ronald Desroches enrolled in the Canadian Forces on January 27, 1981 in the artillery. After his basic training in St-Jean he was posted to CFB Valcartier with the 5e Régiment de Campagne du Canada.

    After requesting a remuster into Water Sanitation Petroleum Oils and Lubricants Technician (WSPOL, present Water Fuels Environment Tech) he was posted to CFB Greenwood in April, 1988. In June, 1991 he was posted to BFC Uplands. In July, 1994, he was promoted to Mcpl and posted to CFB Bagotville and completed a six month tour at CFS Alert in 1995. In 1997 he was promoted to Sgt and posted to CFSME, Gagetown N.B. as a WFE Instructor. In 2000 he was promoted to WO and assumed the duties of WFE Standard Rep. In 2001 WO Desroches was posted to 3 Wing Bagotville as the WFE I/C and completed a six month tour at CFS Alert in 2004. At the end of 2004, WO Desroches was promoted to MWO and posted to 8 Wing Trenton as the Basic training standard.

    In April 2006, he was posted to CFB Valcartier as the Utility Officer. In April, 2007, he was posted to 3 Wing Bagotville as a Section I/C. MWO Desroches will remain in the Saguenay region and join the reserve forces. MWO Desroches is married to Christine Dumais; he has five children, Alexandre, Vicky, Emy, Maude and Gabriel.