MWO/Adjum Pierre Gaudreault, CD
MWO Gaudreault enrolled in the Canadian Forces on the 11 October 1984, as an Artillery Man. Upon completion of Basic Training in StJean, Qc and Shilo, Ma, he was posted to the 5 RALC, Valcartier, Qc as a gun detachment member. He completed a 6-month tour in Cyprus in 1987. After spending 5 years with the Regiment, he requested an occupational transfer to Map Reproduction Technician (MRT).
Cpl Gaudreault was posted to Ottawa in 1989 and completed the Map Reproduction Technician course. He performed various duties as a MRT such as Pressman operator and photomechanical reproduction. During this employment in MCE he was promoted to MCpl in 1993.
In 1994 he was transferred to Digital Production Squadron, participated in various levels of training in order to meet the necessary qualifications required of a Data Collector for Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) products.
MCpl Gaudreault was employed in Nov 1995 at the School of Military Mapping to be part of the subject-matter expert SME’s from MCE to develop the training package of the new GPS (PLGR). He delivered the training in various brigades and trained hundreds of GPS Instructors across the country.
In Dec 1997 was promoted to Sgt, and participated in his Basic Terrain Analyst Course in Ottawa and completed his Advance Topographical Analysis Course and Basic Remote Sensing Imagery at Fort Belvoir, Washington.
In 1999, he was posted to CFB Kingston, with the 1st Canadian Division Intelligence, where he was the primary Geo Tech for Theatre Activation Team (TAT) and the alternate for Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART). Under the command of newly formed Canadian Forces Joint Operation Group (CFJOG), he completed a deployment with Theatre Activation Team in Eritrea-Ethiopia in 2000.
He was promoted to WO in Jul 2002 and posted back to MCE and quickly re-deployed in July 2003 to Bosnia-Herzegovina as the Chief Geo and the Canadian Contingent SergeantMajor on the British camp Banja Luka.
On his return from Bosnia in 2004 in participated in the squadron reorganization, coordinating the production and administration of Digital Response Section (DRS), Reproduction Section and Survey Section. He was promoted to MWO in June 2005 and posted to ADM (Mat)/DLCSPM/ as Geomatics SME supporting ISTAR C2 project.
MWO Gaudreault retires from the CF on the 15 Nov 2010, after 26 years of loyal and dedicated service with the Canadian Forces. MWO Gaudreault and his wife Pierrette will continue to reside in Gatineau region. They have a son Carlo and a daughter MarieChantal and both live in Montréal.