MWO/Adjum E. Fairhurst, CD

    • MWO/Adjum E. Fairhurst, C

    After more than 25 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian Military Engineer Branch, MWO Edward Fairhurst, CD, will retire on 02 May 2024. A small DwD function will be held at 102 Rivercrest Lane, Kingston, NS, on 03 May 2024 at 1530 hrs. RSVP required. Anecdotes, well wishes and RSVPs may be sent to MWO P.R. Drost at

    MWO Fairhurst joined the reserves as an RM Tech with the 144 Construction Engineering Flight in Pictou, NS. After a few years, MWO Fairhurst joined the Regular Force and was posted to CFB Trenton. In 2004, he completed QL5 before deploying to Op DANACA. He was then posted to Cold Lake and deployed to TF Afghanistan in 2006. Soon after his return, he remustered to Firefighter and was posted to BTL Borden in September 2007.

    Although MWO Fairhurst had been posted to Borden to complete QL3 FFtr, the course was actually held in Stephenville, NL. After the course, he was off to the Edmonton Fire Hall. In 2010, he completed QL5 training and was posted to H.M.C.S. Montreal the next day. For the next four years, MWO Fairhurst served on H.M.C.S. Montreal, H.M.C.S. Charlottetown, H.M.C.S. Toronto, H.M.C.S. St. John’s, and then back to the Montreal. During this time, he deployed twice on TF ARTEMIS. After all that, MWO Fairhurst needed a break and was posted to CFB Shearwater in 2015 as a fire

    In Shearwater, MWO Fairhurst progressed to become a Platoon Chief. In 2016, he deployed to Erbil for Op IMPACT. In 2018, MWO Fairhurst was posted to Greenwood as a Deputy Platoon Chief, the Chief Fire Inspector, the Platoon Chief, and finally as the Deputy Fire Chief in 2022.

    MWO Fairhurst plans to spend as much time as possible with his wife, Emma, and two children at his happy place, their cottage in Cape Breton, NS. MWO Fairhurst is currently studying for the Fire Inspector qualification through the CAF Transition Centre.