MWO M.M.R (Max) Davis, CD
MWO M.M.R (Max) Davis, CD, will retire from the Canadian Armed forces on 24 Mar 2015 after 36 plus years of loyal and dedicated service to the CAF, RCR and CME Branch, as an NCM (please see attached bio). Friends and colleagues are welcome to attend the farewell ceremony, which will take place at the Chief's and Petty Officer's Mess, Juno Tower CFB Halifax, on 4 Mar 2015, 1330-1530hrs (Dress: dress of the day, all personnel are welcome). For planning purposes please confirm your attendance to Capt Chris Dyer
COB Monday 23 Feb. Congratulatory messages, anecdotes, photos and farewell wishes can also be forwarded to Capt Dyer. Please send NLT Friday 23 Feb. MWO Davis M.M.R. has served with the CAF for 36+ years. From New Salem N.S., he preceded to Cornwallis in 1978 for basic training. From there, MWO Davis was posted to 1 RCR where he deployed seven times to Norway and also to the USA. From 1 RCR, MWO Davis took a three year RSS staff position with 4 RCR. After nine and half years of being an RCR MWO Davis saw the light and remustered to the Engineers in 1987. The Engineers then promptly sent him to CFB Chilliwack, in June, to complete the QL 3 Construction Tech Course. From Chilliwack, the Engineers sent him to Suffield where he stayed until 1992. Promoted to MCpl in 1992 and given the responsibility of a contract inspector, it was time for MWO Davis to be posted from one cold location to another, Cold Lake. While in Cold Lake, he served two deployments; once to the Former Yugoslavia in 1993 and then Alert in 1994, an even colder location. Two months after returning from Alert, MWO Davis got to experience warm weather for a nice change, as he was tasked for Haiti in that year. Not getting enough of the cold weather, MWO Davis returned to Cold Lake where he deployed to the Winnipeg Flood in 1997. From Cold Lake, MWO Davis crossed the country in the same year as his next posting was a section commander with the Naval Construction Troop in Halifax. Two years later, 1999, he deployed with the troop to the Romanian Embassy for two months and in 2000 he rebuilt Camp Maple Leaf with half the troop in Bosnia. In the same year, MWO Davis was tasked to CFSME to teach for five months. Upon being promoted to Sgt in 2002, MWO Davis transferred to the contract cell where he stayed until 2005. 2005 saw MWO Davis promoted to WO and posted to CFB Edmonton as the Construction Troop WO. There he deployed in 2006 to Afghanistan as ESU Troop WO. Two weeks after leave, MWO Davis was off again, this time for his ILQ course in St-Jean, QC and upon completing the course returned to 1 CER as Troop Commander. A short time later, MWO Davis traded in the cold weather for the chance to complete a recce mission in the sunny warm country of Jamaica. MWO Davis could not get enough of Jamaica as he deployed back there for five weeks, in 2007, with the Construction Troop to train as part of TF-1-08, his second tour to Afghanistan. Returning to 1 CER MWO Davis was promoted to MWO in December 2008 and remained with 1 CER until he was posted as Det Engineering Officer for Det Dundurn in February 2009. After three and half years in Dundurn the Career Manager offered MWO Davis a posting back to CFB Halifax, in which he was all too happy to accept. MWO Davis has spent the last two and half years in Halifax as the Utilities SSM and will be finishing his career on 24 March 2015. Max and his wife Wendy will be moving to Truro N.S. and when not living in Truro, they can be found in New Salem at their summer house ATVing and fishing.